Title: Invitation
themaskedmckay Rating: Gen
Fandom: Vagrant Story
Disclaimer: The characters belong to their copyright holder, not me.
Summary: Sydney left Ashley a little something.
Spoilers: None.
Word Count: 255
Author's Notes: It was Drabble Friday over at my main journal again this week. Drabble for
joasakura For those of you who haven't played
Vagrant Story here is a summary:
1. Ridiculously decadent, gorgeous setting
2. Ashley, the hero, wears bumless pants and is hunting
3. Sydney, the villain, doesn't wear a shirt but DOES wear an ass-cape and has prosthetic arms with knives for fingers.
Leá Monde had been glorious before the earthquakes had broken her back and shook down the heavens. Two millennia of trade and war may have been erased with the population who had fled the dying city but two millennium of art and architecture remained. Even eroded as it was by twenty five years of neglect Leá Monde was beautiful in subtle ways.
For Ashley, intent on the hunt, these subtleties were not observed. A graceful cascade of autumnal ivy spilling over a gently crumbling brick wall was only a handhold to get to higher ground. A decorative iron gate, wrought roses and fleur de lis, was useful only to trap a guard and provide an easy way to shoot the trapped man. Leá Monde still displayed intricate stained glass, crumbling statues, marble balusters, and of all these decaying wonders Ashley's attention was drawn to the corpse of a dead badger.
The pile of bloodied fur and meat looked as if it had been skewered and diced with knives. Ashley poked it with a dried branch he broke off an old honeysuckle that twined its way around a statue of a weeping woman. The badger was very much dead but not so very fresh. The trail wasn't as old as he'd thought.
He flipped over a flap of grisly fur and saw a rune scratched into the broken stones of the ancient courtyard. It, like the badger, had been left for him. A greeting and invitation to follow a madman into the depths of Leá Monde.
Alternate story:
Ashely chewed thoughtfully. The raw meat didn't seem poisoned. Why did Sydney leave a dead badger lying in the middle of an empty room? A strange thought forced its way to the forefront of Ashley's mind; was this a twisted parody of a dinner date?