
Oct 03, 2007 00:18

This challenge will be a bit different than the previous ones, for this challenge I am giving you themes and you get to choose your images. The theme for this week is Disney! I know for me disney was an essential part of growing up so here it is...

This week your challenge will be:


edele - Cinderella
peacefully - Snow White, Alice In Wonderland
squishysquidgy - Sleeping Beauty
*PHOTOBUCKET - Screename: Starriedreamer, Password: peacefully

Theme - Magic
Your image must come from one of the six disney movies from above and your icon must depict the use of magic. You may not use text for the special challenge this week.

[x] If you have two icons to submit you must submit one for each challenge.
[x] If you have one icon you may submit in the challenge of your choice. Meaning, you can choose to submit in either the image theme or the special challenge theme.

[x] Deadline is Monday, October 8th.
[x] Use the provided pictures only.
[x] Brushes & textures can be used, but not required.
[x] Blending of images is allowed.
[x] Text can be used, but not required.
[x] Animation is permitted as long as you use only the pictures provided.
[x] Must fit livejournal standard 100x100 and under 40kb.
[x] You may use a skip, please leave a comment to this post. Skips may be earned by promoting up until the Challenge 01 deadline. If you would like to earn a skip, help me out my promoting... information on that here

Also, if you use photobucket, when submitting your icons be sure to give me the direct link. A few of you have been giving me the link that is labeled Email & IM, this is no good.

When posting it is not necessary for you to give me the url, just please post it as an image; coding - <*img src="PUT URL HERE"*>, be sure to take out the *s.

Make sure your name is on this list here before entering.
Entered: 09/12
Icon Count: 14/20

Participants: 3
Icons: 5

challenges, r01, c03

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