I always use these on other people's journals so figured it was probably time to make my own. Most of the links go to posts on this LJ but a few go to my AO3.
SPN fic (gen)
Something Great (670 words, T, pre-series): Sam leaves for Stanford.
Darkness, Darkest (1100 words, T, S11): What Sam might have seen if he caught the curse in 11x13 (version one).
Home, Alone (1400 words, T, S11): Christmas just ain't Christmas (without the one you love).
Puppet (800 words, T, S11): Sam thinks he needs to go back to hell. Sam's scared. (warnings for implied/referenced past non-con, torture)
Check it Out (1500 words, G, S8ish): Crackfic for a prompt
at the OhSam tripleplay meme: 'LOCATION: The Bunker // SECONDARY CHARACTER: Dean // AFFLICTION: A curse involving plaid.'
Splintered (750 words, T, S10): Another OhSam tripleplay prompt: 'LOCATION: The Bunker // SECONDARY CHARACTER: Demon!Dean // AFFLICTION: Hammer (!).'
Feathers and Claws (900 words, T, pre-series AU): Third and final OhSam tripleplay prompt: 'LOCATION: Decrepit old building // SECONDARY CHARACTER: A priest // AFFLICTION: Demonic possession'.
Run Aground (6000 words, T, pre-series): It's February on the Maine coast. John's away, Sam's sulking and Dean doesn't know how to fix it. Oh, and there seems to be a case in town. - this was originally written for and posted at
SPN Summergen 2015.
Locked Up, Caged In (2500 words, T, S10): "I can't die, not with this thing on my arm. What I can do is fight it, until -" "Until what, Dean? Until I watch you become a demon again?" "You'll just have to lock me up. Bind me to the Bunker. Like you did last time." (warnings for depression, isolation, suicidal thoughts, discussion of past torture)
A Quest Like That (19,000 words, T, S10): Sam, Dean, Charlie and the quest for the Holy Grail.
Moche Monsters (9200 words, T, S9): In which Castiel gets a guinea pig. - this was originally written for and posted at
SPN Summergen 2014. Wrung Out (1000 words, T, S10): Missing scene from 10x03, Soul Survivor (warning for suicidal thoughts).
Dirt (1000 words, T, S9): What Sam did in the missing two weeks between First Born (9x11) and Sharp Teeth (9x12) (warning for suicidal thoughts)
New (1000 words, G, S6): Sam comes back different after his soul is put back in.
Touch and Go (3200 words, T, S9): Tag to 9x19 (Alex Annie Alexis Ann) in which Dean realises why Sam's so angry about what happened with Gadreel. (warnings: blood loss, mentions of suicide, loss of bodily control)
SPN fic (gen, episode codas, <500 words)
Two codas to 10x03 'Soul Survivor'
Coda to 10x15 'The Things They Carried'
Coda to 10x23 'Brother's Keeper'
Coda to 11x02 'Form and Void'
Coda to 11x04 'Baby'
Two codas to 11x14 'The Vessel'
SPN fic (Wincest)
Make Thick My Blood (20,700 words, M, S10): A season 10 AU, set after 10x14 ('The Executioner's Song'). Cas finds a solution that might cure the Mark of Cain; but if they're going to go through with it, Sam has a terrible price to pay.
Bleeding Out (2400 words, T, S11): What Sam might have seen if he caught the curse in 11x13 (version two).
Keeping it Clean (1700 words, E, S4): Swesson smut for the kinkmeme: spanking and toppy Dean Smith.
Dressing to Seduce (2800 words, E, S11): Sam seduces Dean by wearing only a single layer of clothing. Schmoopy Bunker pwp.
Versatile, Tender and Delicious (2500 words, E, S11): Sam/zucchini with a side order of Wincest. The premise is cracky but the smut is serious!!
Contagious (7000 words, E, S8): Sex pollen in the Bunker
The Boy Without Hands (7800 words, PG-13, AU): Cornered, Mary makes a deal with the devil. Fourteen years later, he comes for her youngest son. (warnings for fairytale violence, suicidal thoughts)
Ashes (1000 words, R, S9): Since the Trials, Dean won't touch Sam, and Sam doesn't know why.
SPN fic (other)
Marks Made (Sam/Dr Cara, 4000 words, E, S10 or S11): Sam reconnects with Dr Cara, some years after their first encounter. He's changed.
On Call (Sam/Dr Cara, 1200 words, T, S11): Coda to Marks Made set after 11x02.
Straightening Out, Settling In (Sam/Amelia, 800 words, G, pre-S8): Sam finds Amelia's hair straighteners. His curiosity gets the better of him.
RPF fic (J2)
Horses Sweat, Men Perspire and Ladies Gently Glow (2300 words, E): It's not weird that Jensen has noticed how much Jared sweats. You'd have to be crazy not to notice it, okay?
Turks and Caicos (200 words, T) and Whistler (600 words, T): Two ficlets about J2 on holiday.
Fight Training (1800 words, T): Misha's getting really fed up with this open secret that everybody's keeping.
Spare Tyre (900 words, T): It's not Jensen's fault that he's a little insecure.
Good Buddy (1100 words, R): Jared and Jensen make the drive up to Vancouver for the start of the season. Jensen's bought them two-way radios and Jared's getting ideas.
Aural Fixation (2900 words, E): Jensen can't stop thinking about the noises Jared makes every time Sam gets strangled or choked.
Catch Me (2900 words, G): Jensen accidentally stabs Jared in the leg while they're filming 10x14. He feels pretty bad about it.
Red (1300 words, T): While filming for the scene in S10 where Sam hurts his shoulder, Jared's real-life injury causes problems.
RPF fic (other)
Set Right (gen, 2200 words, G): On set, season 1. Jared and Jensen have a fight. (This could read as pre-slash if you're that way inclined but it's really just J2 gen!)
A Close Call (gen, 2000 words, T): When Jared calls up a fan for his Represent campaign, the voice on the other end sounds oddly familiar.