(no subject)

May 30, 2003 02:52

01. What color are your walls? Whitish brownish.
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? Sheets are white..
03. What color is your rug? Dark green.
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? Two posters; one of penguins, one of peace frog.
05. Do you have a TV? Is it big? Yes, I have one, and it's a good size.
06. Do you have a phone? I do.
07. Do you have your own computer? Yes.
08. Do you have a desk? Sure do.
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? My camera, my kitty.. and plushies. o.o
10. What are your most favorite things in your room? My computer.
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? No. I'm boring. :P

01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Stay in bed. o.o
02. Anything unusual? No, don't think so.
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? Never did.
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? I tried. But meh.

// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack? Uh. It was.. blue. Though it changes. :B
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work? Honestly, no.. and I hate myself for it. But, things change.
03. Do you listen or doodle? Both.
04. BE QUIET - we all know you doodle, but what do you doodle? Anything.
05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out? I got it, but I only ate certain things. Unless it was nachos which were only on certain days.
06. What do you do right when schools over? I took Jasmine home, and then usually went home myself. Unless I had money and was hungry. o.o

// HOME //
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable? Sometimes.
02. Happy? Mostly.
03. Tired? All the time.

// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? Live on a highway; I fear getting hit. But I do sometimes. :P
02. What are some hobbies of yours? Reading, dreaming, drawing, dancing, singing.
03. Do you collect anything? Anything with penguins on it.
04. What do you do in your spare time? Draw, dance.. sing for people on Yahoo. I like finding victims. :P
05. Are you in love, or at least falling? Yes, and falling deeper by the second.

01. What do you do before you go to bed? Brush my teeth and crawl into bed.
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? Not always.
03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? Mainly left side or stomach.
04. Do you like your life? Some parts.
-------- Have You ---------
Smoked?: Nah.
Been Drunk as hell?: God, no.
Shoplifted?: No.
Lied? Absolutely.
Betrayed a friend? Not that I know of. And if so, not purposely.
Been to jail? No.
Smoked weed? Hell no.
Done LSD? No drugs.
Done any other illegal drug? I don't do drugs, thank you very much.
Given oral sex? No.
Received oral sex? No.
Screwed something not of the human race? Er...no.
Screwed something not alive? O_o;; Noooo...
Cheated on someone? No.
Used someone? I suppose.
Paid someone for sex? No.
Been paid for sex? No.
Played strip poker? Must I answer this..? :P No, but I've played strip dice for the hell of it.
Skipped school? Skipped a class.
Skipped school to get high / drunk? Fuck, no.
Danced naked? No.
Danced naked in public? No.
Flashed someone? Eheh, shut up.
Mooned someone? No.
Kissed someone? Yes.
Kissed someone of the same sex? Other than relatives, no.
Held hands? Yes.
Hugged someone? Yes.
French kissed? Yes.
Had sexual fantasies? Yes. o.o
Stolen money? No.
Stolen money from family? No.
Stolen drugs from family? No.
Been convicted of a crime? No.
Dated someone because you heard they were 'easy'? No.
Had someone date you because they thought you were 'easy'? No.
Been called a whore? No.
Been called a bitch? Sure have. Damn proud. :D
Watched porn? No. o-o;
Taped porn? No.
Watched porn you taped? --
Kissed someone in a moving vehicle? Yes.
Screwed someone in a moving vehicle? Er...no.
Used sex 'toys'? No.
Tried to kill yourself? No.
Tried to kill someone else? I've wanted to. Here Megan.. here, girl. o.o
Told someone you hated them? Yes.
Told someone you loved them and didn't mean it? I've told someone I loved them because I thought I did.. but, things happen.
Why? --
:Name: Kelsey.
:backwards: Kecarm Elohcin Yelsek
:Does your name mean anything?: Yeah. o.o First name, "from the sea" and last name "small cloud".
:Were you named after anyone?: Mum got it from an actress on TV. That's.. about all.
:Nickname(s): Kels, Nikii, KelKel, SeySey, Ricecheck, Tidbit, Widdle One, Shorti, Midgette, Rii, Aainy, Rii-Kitty, Meiy.
:Screenname(s): aim: Rii Kitten, yahoo: angelic1penguin, msn: kelseycole@hotmail.com
:Date of birth: November 8
:Place of birth: Ann Arbor, MI.
:Current location: Calhoun, Louisiana.
:Religion: Baptist.
:Height: 5'0".
:Shoe size: 6-7 womens.
:Hair color: Red.
:Eye color: Brown.
:What do you look like?: Um. Short. -_- Semi-long red hair, somewhat naturally dark skin (but still kinda pale o.o), big brown eyes. Blah blah..
:Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: Lefty. Yay!
:How old are you mentally?: Depends. :P
:Describe yourself in 5 words: Cuddly, bouncy, loving, untrusting, hyper.
:What are your worst qualities: It takes a while for me to -really- trust someone.
:What are your best qualities: I try to be nurturing, affectionate.. Eh.

Do You Have...
:Any sisters: One, Cassidy.
:Any brothers: Three: Micheal, Duwayne Jr, Dustin.
:Any pets: Few cats and a rabbit.
:A disease: Empyema, but I'm slowly recovering.
:A pager: Nope.
:A personal phone number: Cell?
:A leather jacket with studs on it?: Nope.
:A heroin needle: No. -_-
:A pool or hot tub: Want both.
:A Car: Yep. Well, a truck.. But still. :D

Describe Your...
:Personality: Bubbly, friendly. o.o
:Driving: Pretty good.
:Car or one you want: I want a PT Cruiser. :\ But I have a white truck. Blah.
:Room: Messy.
:School: Over?
:Relationship with your parent(s): Mum, so-so. Father, I could care less.

Do You...
:Believe in yourself?: Depends.
:Believe in love at first sight?: Maybe not true love, but in a sense.
:Consider yourself a good listener: It's what I do best.
:Consider yourself a good friend: Yeah.
:Get along with your parents: Sometimes.
:Save your e-mail or conversations: Depends.
:Pray: Yes.
:Believe in reincarnation: No.
:Like to make fun of people: Now that's not nice.. =P I do online.
:Like to talk on the phone: yeppers
:Like to drive: Yep.
:Get motion sickness: When I'm not driving, I get carsick.
:Eat chicken fingers with a fork: Heck no. :B
:Dream in color: Yeah.
:Type with your fingers on home row: Lol, no. :P Never have.
:Sleep with a stuffed animal: Penguin! :D

What Was/Is (or Are)...
:Right next to you: Printer.
:your room: TV, computer, printer, bed, cat.
:On your mouse pad: A white tiger cub and an orange tiger cub in space. Cute. :B
:Your dream car: PT Cruiser.
:Your dream date: Going out to eat late at night, walking down the beach and watching the stars.
:Your dream honeymoon spot: New Zealand.
:Your dream husband/wife: Jessie. =P
:Your bedtime: Whenever I pass out.
:Under your bed: Papers.
:The single most important question: Why do people give up?
:Your bad time of the day: Morning.
:Your worst fear(s): Needles, drowning.
:The time?: 2:33am.
:The date?: May 30.
:The best trick you ever played on someone?: Crap, don't remember. o.o;
:The weirdest food or drink that you like?: Alligator. Mm.. how I love. <3
:The hardest thing about growing up?: Learning from mistakes.
:Your funniest experience: ... must I? :P
:Your scariest moment?: When, in March, I was dying. :\
:The stupidest thing you've said?: I have no room to list them all.
:The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: Can't remember that either. o-o;
:Craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s)?: When me and Jasmine "stalked" guys in Mississippi's mall...
:The worst feeling in the world?: Rejection.
:The best feeling in the world?: Love.

:Number: 2
:Color: Silver. Or Mardi Gras colours: purple, green, gold.
:Day: Wednesday.
:Month: November!
:Song: "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems" -Kenny Chesney. Life time favourite, though: "The River" -Garth Brooks.
:Movie: X2.
:Food: Mexican, or chicken. :P
:Band: Rascal Flatts.
:Season: Fall/winter.
:Sport: Badminton.
:Class: English.
:Teacher: Walker.
:Drink: Dr Pepper.
:Veggie: Corn.
:TV Show: Will&Grace.
:Radio Station: K104
:Store: Icing.
:Animal: penguins.
:Flower: Sunflowers.
:State: Louisiana.

Love + Relationships...
:Do you have a bf/gf?: Yes.
:Do you have a crush?: Dating him.. -_-
:How long have you liked him/her?: a month perhaps
:Why do you like this person?: He makes me happier than anyone. =)
:If you're single...why are you single?: --
:If you're not single... give details...: I'm taken. So.. I'm.. not.. single? o.o
:How long was your longest relationship?: About a year.
:How long was your shortest relationship?: A few days. :P
:Who was your first love?: Johnny.
:What do you miss about them?: His temporary sweetness. O.o

The Past...
:Last thing you heard: "I'm Not Talkin' 'Bout Forever" -Toby Keith.
:Last thing you saw: Computer screen.
:Last thing you said: Bye.
:Who is the last person you saw?: Doctor.
:Who is the last person you kissed?: Jessie.
:Who is the last person you hugged?: Jasmine.
:Who is the last person you fought with?: Ben.
:Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Susie.
:What is the last TV show you saw?: Three's Company.

The Present...
:What are you wearing?: Shorts and tee.
:What are you doing?: Listening to radio.
:Who are you talking to?: Jessie and Sylus.
:What song are you listening to?: Commercials on radio..
:Where are you?: My room.
:Who are you with?: Nina. My kitty.
:How are you feeling?: Bored.
:Are you in a chatroom?: Nope.

The Future...
:What day is it tomorrow?: Friday.
:What are you going to do after this?: Go to sleep.
:Who are you going to talk to?: Jessie and Sylus s'more. :B
:Where are you going to go?: To see movies.
:How old will you be/were you when you graduate(d)?: 18.
:What do you want to be?: Cartoonist.
:What is one of your dreams?: Having a family.
:Where will you be in 25 years?: Married, with a loving family.. -sigh-

Have You Ever...
:Drank?: Yes.
:Smoked?: No.
:Had sex?: No.
:Stole?: No.
:Done anything illegal?: No.
:Wanted to die?: Yes.
:Hit someone?: Play hit. o.o

:Do you write in cursive or print?: Both.
:What piercings do you have?: One in each ear.
:Do you drive?: Yep.
:Do you have glasses or braces?: Glasses, but I rarely wear 'em.

:What do you most like about your body?: My hair.
:And least?: My height. >(
:How many fillings do you have?: None.
:Do you think you're good looking?: I try not to judge myself. x.x Makes me feel bad.
:Do other people often tell you that you're good looking?: Sometimes.
:Do you look like any celebrities?: Haha.. right.

:Do you wear a watch?: I have penguin clocks on my purse. o.o
:How many coats and jackets do you own?: One. S'all I need. :P
:Favorite pants/skirt color?: Blackish.
:Most expensive item of clothing?: My skirt outfit.
:Most treasured?: Kindgarten backpack grams made for me.. heh.. made out of towels. It was cute..
:What kind of shoes do you wear?: Sandals.
:Describe your style in one word: Comfortable, but cute.
:How long does it take you get ready in the mornings: About 45mins to an hour, depending.
More surveys, because I have absolutely nothing better to do than fill you in about boring ol' me. Love it or die. :B

-dances around-
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