I'm having a baby!

Sep 16, 2006 22:54

So I just did a baby careplan for when I have a baby for my class. Theres a site called childbirth.org where you can plan yours out. I forgot to add that my partner would be Gorgeous Tom (Tom Welling) or some other tragically beautiful man. Here's my birth plan tho I don't know what half of these things are

My Male Birth plan

Mother-to-be: Curtis
Due Date: 9/18/06

This birth plan is intended to express the preference and desires we have for the birth of our baby. It is not intended to be a script. We fully realize that situations may arise such that our plan cannot and should not be followed. However, we hope that barring any extenuating circumstances, you will be able to keep us informed and aware of our options. Thank you.

First Stage (Labor):

* Peace and Quiet.
* Music of our choice.
* Would prefer not to have students, residents etc.
* Would prefer to keep vaginal exams to a minimum.
* Maintain mobility (Walking, rocking, up to bathroom, etc.)
* Clear fluids.
* Heparin lock.
* Continuous Monitoring with external monitor.
* Please offer me pain medication, as soon as possible.
* Relaxation techniques (breathing, focusing, etc.).
* Positioning as desired.
* Water (Shower or Tub).
* Heat or Cold packs.
* Massage (back, foot, counter pressure, etc.).
* Acupressure
* IV med: Stadol.
* Ultra low dose epidural (walking epidural)


* I would prefer to use natural methods to start labor. (Sex! Sex can help induce labor haha)


* I would prefer Pitocin for augmentation.

Second Stage (Birth):

* Choice of position
* Directed Bearing Down
* Foot pedals
* I would prefer no episiotomy, but please use compresses, massage and positioning.
* Local Anesthesia (for repair)

Baby Care:

* Delay the cord cutting
* Prefer partner to cut the cord.
* Immediate eye medication
* Breast feeding only
* Separation only after recovery period


* We would prefer our son be circumcised in the hospital.
* Use anesthesia

Cesarean Birth:

* Spinal/epidural anesthesia
* Partner present
* Free one hand to touch the baby
* Partner to cut the cord
* Breast feeding in recovery room

Sick Baby:

* Breast feeding as soon as possible
* Unlimited visitation for parents
* Handling the baby (Kangaroo care, holding, care of, etc.)
* If the baby is transported to another facility, move us as soon as possible

This was a bit of a sexist extra credit portion of an unbearably long and stupid homework assignment. There's only two men in the class this section, but damnit why ask us to do this?
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