
Aug 26, 2010 16:09

 I submitted my Coast Guard app for the third time today.

I'm more than a little nervous as you can understand. It's been a LONG time since I've done any French and to make matters worse all my grammatical notes are in Newfoundland. I guess I'll have to pirate some textbooks on French grammar. Actually, that sounds really good. Hrm, I'm starting to feel better already.

W00000000t!!!!! COAST GUARD!!!! WHOOOOO!!!!

I'm gonna pass it again AND get the job this time. I can feel it.

Really? Not at all, but dammit I'm wishing really hard.

In other news, work was a total shit show today. Totally retarded callers that sunk to new levels of brilliance today, unstable software that increased my call times by a couple of minutes per call, it rained this morning while I was biking, and one of the teamleads(Let's call him Bob!) was an even bigger douchebag than normal.

Backstory 1: I've been getting between 4-6 hours of sleep for the past week? Almost that long in any case. So in the morning I just kinda sleep at my desk until the morning rush starts a few hours into my shift. Today my coworker next to me had a spare chair that he had his feet on, which is my natural state of life. (Seriously. My feet = on top of stuff.) I naturally occupied the other side of the chair with my feet. Also, when it rains I bring in some PJ bottoms and another t-shirt so I can have dry clothes. My wet clothes are usually hung on the back of a spare chair. I'm still working at this call center which virtually doesn't have a dress code policy.

Main story about my Day part 1: So this Teamlead(Bob) comes up to me while I'm kinda laid out with my eyes closed and just stands there while I'm chilling. Now I'm not sleeping at this point, just really comfortable. Opening my eyes while I'm shifting around I see him towering above me. Which doesn't really work because he isn't nearly as intimidating as he thinks he is. He also really REALLY hates it when other people have their feet up. My personal belief is that if they aren't near you, shut the fuck up about it. It's rude as shit to force someone else to be less comfortable because you don't like the look of it. Now, I can hear some of you crying "Professionalism!". Suuuuure.

Backstory 2: Yeah, I work for East Indians. Who are retarded and incapable of being decent human beings. My hours and schedule are constantly slashed and fucked daily. Yesterday? I had a 15 "Voluntary Time Off" minutes forced onto my lunch. (I'm not even touching THAT bullshit. No one here in Hali can do anything about it. Which leads me to question why they are here.) I was also late taking my lunch because I was stuck on a call with someone who doesn't understand credit card billing

Tangent 1: (Real simple. We bill around the 15-19 of every month for following month. So you get charged $31.35 on Aug 19 to cover Sept 1 to Sept 30. If you go on credit card billing halfway through the month then the system "catches you up" and covers from the last payment's end date until the end of the next month. So if your last payment ran out on Aug 15, then your Aug 19 billing for $47.03 covers Aug 15 to Sept 30. For some reason, this makes people VERY angry.)

Backstory 2: So I took my 45 minute unpaid lunch at 11:52 instead of 10:45. Seven minutes late. I come back from the lunchroom to find that India had REMOVED the 15 minutes VTO from my lunch. Meaning I could've been paid for those extra 15 minutes. Seems petty, but they make a damned difference when they add up. Now here's what gets me all riled up: We are mandated to keep out schedule open while we're on shift. Just so they can say "Well, you were notified of the schedule change. Go the fuck away now" This change happened ten minutes into my lunch. Then they had the fucking balls to call my teamlead(We'll call him Joe!) and demand why I took an unauthorized break during peak call time. This is someone who is a member the same team that controls my schedule. He has all the tools and powers to LOOK at the fact that I had a 45 minute lunch that they changed to a 30 minute lunch 10 minutes AFTER it started. He can see that my "unauthorized break" had the same duration as the VTO they gave me THAT SAME MORNING.

Explaining Backstory 2: Getting back to the point of that...don't ever fucking mention the god damned word "professionalism" when it comes to my bloody workplace conduct at the shithole. I tend to get upset when people do that.

Main story about my day part 2: And getting back to the main story....wait a tic while I go label those Ahhh....much better. He just stands there and expects me to know that he wants my feet on the floor. Luckily I do know that because he threw a hissy fit a few months back about the same thing. I put my feet down and sit at my desk properly just to placate him. And he moves the chair across the floor to a nook. What the fuck is this? Kindergarten? "No you can't have your coat right now, but because you were bad I'm gonna put it on top of the cabinets." This nook, btw, is one the best spots on the floor to view the harbor. You know, Halifax's kickass harbor full of ships and boats and cool shit? Yeah, not blocked my a chair with my shorts and t-shirt on it. He leaves, because he's not my teamlead and doesn't even fucking belong in my section. I promptly ask the guy sitting next to this nook to slid my chair back over.

Main story about my day part 3: He comes back later on, after I've had a few incredibly intelligent callers. I'm visibly angry/upset and mumbling and cursing. As is my mode de jour when I want things dead. He then informs me that I can't have my pants drying on the floor (the floor being our giant office) and asks me what I want done with them. I stand up, adjust my PJ pants and tell him I'll put them away on my next break. His reaction? Slinking away to bug my co-worker who is technically his underling but has been there 6 years longer than him. This all works out fine and dandy. Until I see the 30 minute VTO that's ass raping my lunch break. Turns out India was just shuffling the lunch VTOs so that we'd only have them during the slow periods and we'd be working during the forecasted peak periods. After that things calmed down at work. The callers got less dumb and it was slow. Good times at work. Then people start giving me shit about my pants. I'm already kinda self-conscious about them, so that was particularly fun.

Main story about my day part 4: So here's where it all comes together...turns out that the Client from Toronto was in town early and hanging about the office all day. So the site director was buzzing around as well. All day. While I was asleep, cursing, swearing, and in PJ bottoms. Also, I was checking my cell all day to read some tweets and see if sammymi had texted me. Having a phone on the floor will get me fired. Breaking the dress code in front of the Client is grounds for getting fired. Swearing on the floor can get you a verbal warning, in front of the Client? Fired. So basically I was doing EVERYTHING and ANYTHING I could to get fired today and miraculously made it out ok. Well, to my knowledge.

Oh! The Client is effectively the representative of the company that hires my company.

So yeah, my day was AWESOME. How was yours?

rant, worried, coast guard, work, holy shit huge post

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