Much love to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and to those who came over to my small place and filled it with laughs and good times. It was great to hang out with everyone and celebrate my birthday.
Even though the party last year had a bit more people and it was louder and in a bigger place, I really enjoyed everyone's company this year and even got to meet some new people. ^_^!~ Thank you to all of you for sharing your friendship and making my birthday awesome.
GG suggested that we do another small get together soon, which surprised me. I guess he enjoyed himself too! Yay! I think I am going let people help themselves to my stove next time and cook. I was a little hesitant to have others cook in my kitchen since it was my birthday. So next time any of you want to play with food, go ahead. Thank you to Shavon and Dawn&Jahi for awesome birthday cake. You guys loved my rice scooper cake slicer ne? ^_^!~
I forgot to take pictures of the cake, its like a tradition I do that. So the rest of you will just have to imagine yummy chocolate rasberry cake and lemony cake with lemon icing and altoids citrus sours on top. =p Not to mention all the food we cooked. My favorite pasta did not turn out as good as I wanted but was at least edible. GG's spring rolls were yummy although I will cook a different meat next time for him. My chicken drumsticks topping ended up bleh so my subsitute was ok.. tonkatsu sauce with green onions and garlic. I did not get to eat much of it so I hope that it did not gross anyone out. HAHAHAH! This time I did not purposely get something gross for others to try.
I think Dawn got hooked onto katamari damacy, I blame Wendell who got us addicted. Pure fun that game is! I was telling GG on Sunday, if there is drunk drunk revolution what would the counterpart for Katamari Damacy be? l ^_^;;;;
Hope everyone's else weekend was great!~