I just found this community, I have had many salmons, but did not confirm they were possibly different people until now. Involving HeinousSalmon, WormySalmon, AnnulledSalmon, InflatedSalmon, GracefulSalmon, and TurbulentSalmon
Session Start (CasielleRO:HeinousSalmon): Wed Apr 02 06:32:59 2008
[06:32] HeinousSalmon: ... I have nar idea. ...ARRRR!
[06:33] CasielleRO: color me confused!
[06:34] HeinousSalmon: Avast! Yep.
[06:35] CasielleRO: Dude, who is it I am boogying down with in this fair message window?
[06:35] HeinousSalmon: I were goin' ter ask ye th' same question, actually ... ...ARRRR!
[06:36] CasielleRO: is it talk like a pirate day, or are you just an awesome pirate all the time?
[06:36] HeinousSalmon: Answerin' yer own questions..? ...ARRRRRRRR!
[06:37] CasielleRO: okay, okay, this is awesome, you should go message YesThisIsAPC now
[06:39] HeinousSalmon: Message on wert..?
[06:40] CasielleRO: a magical vehicle comprised of light, I think.
[06:40] HeinousSalmon: Sounds good. ...ARRRRRRRR!
Session Start (CasielleRO:AnnulledSalmon): Sun Apr 27 13:15:17 2008
[13:15] AnnulledSalmon: Why would you say that?
[13:18] CasielleRO: whoa. you are no longer heinous?
[13:19] CasielleRO: I am so sorry, duder. whoever annulled your heinosity ought to be defenestrated right this minute.
Session Start (CasielleRO:WormySalmon): Mon Jun 16 20:06:50 2008
[20:06] WormySalmon: Hi.
[20:07] CasielleRO: you're a pretty persistant guy, Sal. or are you a lady?
[20:07] CasielleRO: or a ladysmith?
[20:07] CasielleRO: do you temper and build ladies?
[20:07] WormySalmon: hi, who are you?
[20:08] CasielleRO: aren't you the one who that needs to be queried about?
[20:08] WormySalmon: thomas?
[20:08] CasielleRO: the sum of your life and your existence up to this point is Thomas?
[20:09] CasielleRO: damn, man. pretty succinct.
[20:10] WormySalmon: i mean if i was going to pick something to sum up my life it would be thomas
[20:10] CasielleRO: who is thomas?
[20:10] CasielleRO: is he a roving vagabond with a taste for the sea life?
[20:12] WormySalmon: you can say that
[20:13] CasielleRO: good thing I did, then. what brings you to repeatedly message me under slightly different screen names?
[20:13] WormySalmon: i just can't get enough
[20:14] CasielleRO: d'haww
[20:14] CasielleRO: then it turned out he was a super-intelligent computer virus buying time until he could hack her internets and steal her porn
[20:15] WormySalmon: i hate to disappoint then
[20:15] CasielleRO: damn.
[20:15] CasielleRO: wait
[20:15] CasielleRO: are you
[20:15] CasielleRO: female?
[20:15] CasielleRO: a female thomas?
[20:15] CasielleRO: because that'd be pretty sexy.
[20:17] WormySalmon: yes
[20:17] WormySalmon: i am
[20:17] CasielleRO: are you lying to me, Sal?
[20:17] CasielleRO: because it's mean to get a lady's hopes up.
[20:17] WormySalmon: no really, who are you
[20:18] CasielleRO: man, if I don't know you then you don't know me
[20:18] CasielleRO: and that's a pretty fair exchange
[20:20] WormySalmon: no deal
[20:23] WormySalmon: come on
[20:24] WormySalmon: curiosity is my downfall
[20:24] CasielleRO: duder, I've no reason to tell you anything about myself
[20:35] WormySalmon: thats true
[20:36] WormySalmon: i'm just very curious
Session Start (CasielleRO:InflatedSalmon): Sat Jun 28 16:33:56 2008
[16:33] InflatedSalmon: Bush has declared a state of national emergency. Are *you* ready for martial law?
[16:34] CasielleRO: only if it involves awesome kung fu.
[16:35] InflatedSalmon: wait we aren't already?
[16:35] CasielleRO: well, that was my first thought
[16:36] InflatedSalmon: Hello how are you and do I know you. I am Steven Mickunas.
[16:38] CasielleRO: the other day you were thomas.
[16:38] CasielleRO: get it together, sal
[16:39] InflatedSalmon: no I wondered if you were thomas. I am and always have been steven. At least to my knowledge.
[16:40] CasielleRO: oh sure, rebuke the claims of thomasitude.
[16:40] CasielleRO: I'm sure thomases everywhere feel deeply moved.
[16:42] InflatedSalmon: You are very good at dodging questions. I still don't know why you threatened to block me that time you IMed me first. I still don't know how you know me. How do you?
[16:42] CasielleRO: I have never IMed you first, funnily enough.
[16:43] CasielleRO: you're good at this, sal. but I'm still well aware of the facts.
[16:43] InflatedSalmon: Your name is sal not mine. You have the sal screen name.
[16:44] CasielleRO: haha, wow.
[16:44] CasielleRO: if you'd like to say something that I'd actually have a chance of believing, do go on
[16:46] InflatedSalmon: The smoke from the nc fires gives me superhuman strength.
[16:46] CasielleRO: damn. sorry sal, but I have work to be doing, and getting ready to finish up beforehand.
[16:46] CasielleRO: I wish it did the same for me.
[16:47] InflatedSalmon: lol. Really how do you know my im adress?
[16:50] CasielleRO: it's like you're not adjusted to people not asking you that, so you don't know how to respond.
[16:50] CasielleRO: I'm... so sorry, sal.
Session Start (CasielleRO:TurbulentSalmon): Mon Jul 07 02:46:10 2008
[02:46] TurbulentSalmon: Woah! A 300 pound internets tuna!
[02:51] CasielleRO: holy crap, it's sal! what causes you such turbulence, sal?
[02:53] TurbulentSalmon: Uh
[02:53] TurbulentSalmon: Yeah...
Session Start (CasielleRO:GracefulSalmon): Tue Jul 08 08:49:41 2008
[08:49] GracefulSalmon: I admire your work.
[08:50] CasielleRO: Sal, I admire your many colorful names.
[08:52] GracefulSalmon: 8-)
this does dash my hopes of one day unlocking that mysterious individual Sal, though.