SGA 505: whatever the hell *that* was

Aug 17, 2008 22:52

Wow ... that was ... really not good.

Dear Stargate: Atlantis writers,

What in the hell did Elizabeth Weir ever do to you? No, really, I'm asking. Did she pee in your cheerios? Kick your dog? Drive over your kid? Run off with your wife?

'Cause, clearly you hate the woman. Kill her, then bring her back to kill her again, and then, bring her back to kill her again, and then bring her back to kill her again, and then... This is like pathological or something. Get help. Seriously.

I kinda hate you guys, and you know I can put up with an awful lot from Atlantis. Stop screwing up my popcorn show. Assholes.

Christ on a cracker,

Man, I don't blame Torri for not wanting to come back for that. I'd tell 'em to fuck off, too. That was really not okay. In fact, that ending was a whole new level of unappealing and shitty. Just ... gross.

I'm now going to purge that from my brain and personal canon. Let us never speak of this episode again.



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