[OOC] Application

Mar 14, 2008 21:39

NAME: Herit
JOURNAL: herit
EMAIL: Chabliya AT gmail DOT com
AIM: ntchbly
Samurai Warriors: Sasaki Kojiro: swallow_cut
Trinity Blood: Radu Barufon: flammenschwert

FANDOM: Samurai Warriors
CANON: After the Siege of Odawara Castle. ♥
WHAT THEY LOST: The ability to tell apart sexes. She'll refer to people by male or female pronouns depending on the way they currently behave, completely going after clichés (i.e. if somebody is sad, she will likely refer to them in a female manner, or if somebody is angry, she will refer to them in the male way), or, if speaking to other people about them, according to how they generally act.

PERSONALITY: The term 'energetic' does not even come close to describing Nene. She is literally all over the place, in between helping her 'children' (as defined later on) with advice in all matters, stalking her husband and his attempts to cheat on her, looking after the physical well-being of her children (both in medical things and in making sure that they are well fed), commanding her husband's soldiers, nagging at and lecturing everybody who has been 'naughty', and executing fearful ninja attacks herself. Her most powerful ability is probably her feared "You can't say no to me" speeches, which are a mix of simple, but warm motherly love, and casual, cheerful threats of a painful demise or other dire repercussions should her requests not be met - however, she will only use that against her husband. Everybody else will only feel the slightly less powerful "nagging" mode.

She is probably the only woman in the world who could handle her dear husband Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Despite his 'distractions', she stays firmly by his side and supports him in any way she can. She would do whatever it takes to protect her loved ones, and that includes Hideyoshi's officers, whom she more or less 'adopted' and cares for lovingly, but she does not accept anybody, even Hideyoshi, seriously crossing her. As she says, "You know I wouldn't kill you if I caught you with another woman, I'd just break your arms and legs!"

There is also no arguing with the power of her lectures. She may be warm and gentle, but her determination has no limits. She also fights for her husband in battles, determined to make his dream of everybody being happy come true. Nene is deeply convinced that everybody in truth does want to get along - she goes as far as to tell Kotaro Fuma, self-styled "god of chaos", that she and everybody else still love him, to his great confusion.

Her determination can reach a scary degree as well, which shows when she enters the Battle of Sekigahara only to beat sense in every participant, and Tokugawa Ieyasu's ninja Hattori Hanzo - not quite the most orthodox mind himself - sums his impression of her up as "crazy woman", and she could, if strictly observed, come across as a little psychotic, albeit in a very caring and lovely way. Sure, Nene may not be the brightest at first glance, blissfully ignorant towards insults or cynicism especially coming from her husband's retainer Ishida Mitsunari (whom she admits to consider something like her own son), but she is a force to be reckoned with, especially a force for Hideyoshi to depend on in all kinds of problems, from advice to action.

She is prone to going a bit over the top with her enthusiasm, but in the end, she is a skilful ninja, and very well able to look after herself, and after all the naughty little boys (and girls) she feels responsible for - and that includes those who are two or three times as old as her, and established generals. In the end, she is able to take care of all the country's problems in her own, simple way, without stepping into the spotlight herself. She is perfectly happy to see her husband happy (as long as he stays faithful and true to her) and making him the ruler of the country. Despite her very simple mental abilities compared to all the great minds around, her husbands men are as fiercely loyal to her as to her husband, if not more, and praise her leadership abilities (and her cooking skills) at every chance. For everybody who stands in her way, however, there is still her favourite line: "Naughty children have to be punished!"


There were certain things that Nene could not forgive. She liked to love everything and everybody, and liked to think that everybody else loved everything and everybody, or at least wanted to, but a number of things could quickly exhaust her understanding. One of those things was naughty children. And another, even worse thing, was somebody being naughty to her children. In this definition, she cared very little for whether or not the term was mutually accepted, which it was often not. This only made her relief stronger that the snake-man - Orochi, she reminded herself, because even though being a snake, he had a name - was defeated. She was unsure sometimes if he was actually dead, seeing how snakes constantly continued to live while leaving a corpse behind, but for now at least, the danger appeared to be deflected. What certainly helped matters was the new people she had met, and the new friendships that had been forged. It could not have been by coincidence that the nice stranger who had led their armies in the end looked so remarkably similar to Nobunaga, and that his son had become fast friends ("fast" at least in Nene's admittedly slightly lagging mind) with her 'son'. He had not really admitted any sympathies openly, especially towards her, but she knew boys well enough to know that they were difficult at this particular age. It would not stop her from doing what was best for him. If he thought that she didn't notice how he spent nights studying maps and perfecting a strategy just to prove a silly point, then he would learn better soon. If he thought she did not count the rice-balls she made and who took how many, she would make sure that he had a richly filled lunch box at least when he thought that he could skip breakfast. Ishida Mitsunari was a brilliant man, but a big child at times - her child, and no lack of blood-relationship could convince her of the opposite. A boy in these times would always try to talk back to his mother, naturally, albeit her husbands other generals and retainers accepted her domineering care with far less rebellion. But then, in her eyes at least, Mitsunari was not exactly the most boyish of the boys, and maybe it would be a better idea to adjust the way she thought of him and make sure that he would make a good marriage and raise his own (adopted) children to be less troublesome than him. On second thought, she mused, she should teach him how to cook as well. She had little doubts that he already could clean, at least, loving order as he did. Well, that was certainly something.

Hideyoshi would brush her concerns off with this impeccable, cheerful nonchalance he had, and would win her over with one of his charmingly simple professions of love. If only he didn't give her the constant urge to break his greedy fingers when he would spend unacceptable amounts of time with his numerous concubines, especially that girl Chacha. It was not Chacha who was the target of Nene's irritation, however, but her husband himself and his tendency to give in to his urges too quickly. No, nobody could blame Chacha. Hideyoshi was a loveable man. Which did not mean that there was not a painful demise waiting for Chacha should she ever dare to hurt the poor man, unfaithful as he was.

But for now, at least, there were other concerns. Chacha was not there, the sna- Orochi was defeated, Mitsunari had finally managed to make friends, and nobody had been harmed too severely. A few battle wounds were nothing that should be able to stop her boys, but what Nene could do and would do was making sure they recovered quickly by providing them with all medical needs and strengthening dishes they needed, and even if some of the requests seemed a bit... odd, the boys guaranteed that nothing could help a soldier back on his feet faster than Mochi, Dango, and Manju. It was more because Nene loved to see their happy faces than because this was an established recipe she had learnt, that she gave in quickly. And maybe that was the reason, in addition to the inexorable determination in her smile, that when she entered the tent of the wounded the next day, the sudden horror in their expressions quickly turned into bitter, death-defying acquiescence into a fate that touched the most hardened of the generals when they caught a glimpse of the collection of medicine on her tray.



[ A long silence, before at last, a sudden - although quite belated - gasp of surprise interrupts. There is an even longer, obviously confused silence, before at last somebody speaks, without any attempt to hold back their confusion. ]

... Eh?

Eh...? This... Hm, this isn't Japan, right?

Oh nooo, not again! It's the snake-man again, isn't it? Where is everybody now?

No, no, no, this will not do! I have to go home and help my darling Hideyoshi!


... Hideyoshi?

[A half desperate, half irritated "Ohhhh!"]

If you are with your concubines again while I'm looking for you...


Where are you naughty boys!?

Mitsunari! If you sided with the enemy again, I swear, I swear you will be in trouble when I find you and bring you home, young man! I didn't raise you to side with creepy ugly snake-things!

Masanori, Kiyomasa, if you are here, then tell me now! And if you're not, then... then... then look after Hideyoshi, okay? I'll be back soon, don't worry!

As... soon as I find a way out of here. Well...

Huh, what kind of funny stone is that?

... Uh-oh... I hope I didn't break it. I... I hope it didn't belong to somebody.

[ooc], [application]

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