So the night the pitches are due for our final year Animation projects I come up with another idea! But it's too late to develop it to completion!
See, the actual events occurred like this. MP was sitting on the couch using her shiny laptop. Kithal was sitting at the kitchen table looking at jobs. Suddenly the fridge starts making the strangest noises, as if there is a creature living in/behind it. Kithal investigates. It makes more strange noises. He opens the fridge and freezer. Noises somehow stopped, but the cause is never discovered.
What would happen in said project concept... An elderly couple sit across each other eating dinner in silence when the fridge starts making strange noises. The man would use his cane to defend himself with. The woman would use her fork. Hilarity ensues. Point is it's an actual creature.
I don't have an ending yet, which is why Kithal is saying it's not as good as Ninja Baby. But if I had an ending, it would possibly be even more brilliant!
Also, I had a dream Tuesday morning that suddenly Brisbane had flooded up to the point of our door. Which, considering we live on a mountain, is a lot of water. In fact, the ocean levels would have to increase considerably for it to occur. But I remember waking up from my bed and seeing this and saying "Uni's cancelled! No class!" I have my priorities of course. Then the strangest thing happened. The house started moving, no floating away! The house was on a boat/raft thing. I also remember looking out and seeing cars sunk all over the place. So the message I derived from this dream: Cars are not good flotation devises. Houses, on the other hand, are. Very useful information.
This of course pales in comparison to Kithal telling me last week that he had a dream he was a shape-shifter, but could only shift into German animals.