So I gave up on the 30 day meme. 8| I forgot to do yesterdays, PFFFFT. So here's a roleplay meme next.
Pick your favorite character from your muse list, answer all the questions as best you can in character. Other people are welcome to ask for another one of your muses (rp journals encouraged).
I picked
undeadartfag as he is a recent muse. xD If you're a good friend of mine, you probably know most of my muses. So, these questions qill be answered as Confag.
01. Full name- Conrad Dillon Achenleck.
02. Best friend- Best friend? Hanna I suppose.
03. Sexuality- STRAIGHT. I am NOT a fag.
04. Favorite color- Does that really matter?
05. Relationship status- Single.
06. Ideal mate- Someone who is completely unrelated to the paranormal world, please.
07. Turn-ons- ....w-what?!
08. Last sexual experience- Is that really ANY of your business?
09. Favorite food- It was sushi.
10. Crushes- None of your business.
11. Favorite music- Alternative and classical (note: i'm just guessing.)
12. Biggest fear- Vampires, paranormal...anything like that I suppose.
13. Biggest fantasy- ......-sputters- You have GOT to be kidding me!
14. Quirks in bed- ...I refuse to answer these questions!
15. Bad habits- Anger, and being an asshole.
16. Biggest regret- Dying a virgin.
17. Best kept secrets- The fact I'm a vampire, from my mother.
18. Last thought- 'Go away'.
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience- REFUSING TO ANSWER. -Getting angry aboooout, now.-
20. Biggest insecurity- I don't think this is important.
Yes, I know that failed. 8|