So I apparently logged out about 4, 5 days ago, but kept looking at my Friends page. I didn't notice I was logged out, so I just assumed no-one was posting. This was wrong. People were merely posting privately.
I'm leaving after lunch today to start headin' up to Pittsburgh. My oldest still-a-friend, Senior prom date, and probably the most widely* educated person I know, Karen Lindsay, is coming up. Apparently Pitt's Psych and/or Philosophy department have some special sub-dept that only exists here. Being a U.Miss Psych grad student now, she's coming to talk with them and visit her beau's friends.
I will probably be unable to come up next week for Halloween. With how gas prices have tumbled**, it's not a drain on material resources. Y'all are worth the energy to make the 8-hour-each-way drive on two consecutive weekends, so it's not how I'd be half-dead from exhaustion. It's not that I have better or more fun stuff to do- Christ, a party where I'd see everyone would probably put me in tears I'd be so happy.
It's just that I've got too much stuff to do, involving too many people, with it all scheduled so I can't leave next weekend. Technically I could, but I'd arrive around 10AM-noon Saturday and leave around 6AM Sunday. Factoring in that people sleep, it'd end up being 16-20 hours driving for hanging out most of Saturday and leaving as soon as everyone else is asleep- and I'd be totally out of it when I got home.
Perversely, I have more free time now that I'm done with College, I just can't do as much with it. Work takes less time, and aside from the occasional "let's go to the book store and look up how I should have done that," I can leave it at the door once I walk out. I'm just in that limbo stage in the social scene where I'm expected (but not in enough to skip town without consequences) or needed (and don't have the inclination to make people wait a week so I can go have fun). Hell, when you can't skip something on a Monday, you're too busy.
Hell... just thinking about it all makes me want to blow them all off so I can see all the moved away friends & pretend I'm back in the world where every day was like a party.
On the plus side I found (digging through old HS notebooks) notes of/for still-missing-plans for the aborted second incarnation of my superhero graphic novel, "Rotiferina the Monerarch". These were made in Calc, starting the day after I learned (in Bio) that Rotifera were tiny animals, and thus not Monera, which are Eukaryotes. This brought about a change from Enlightened Despotism to her being a lonely, removed leader, worshipped as a god by her people but still trying. Then I introduced "The Procrastinatitron" a robot monster from the world above who was always going to attack next week.
This is where I remember stopping the script (meaning, I probably had a real outline up to here, and an intro paragraph completely written), and just have a bunch of crossed out ideas. Was Rotiferina a dark, sinister monarch using the threat to cow her people in fear? Was it all a dream of Rotiferina, which was slowly going horribly wrong? Was this the made up story of some bored researcher? Is The Procrastinatitron a nanorobot waiting to get its funding approved? I had a dozen "big reveal" plans, which could only work together as a dream-within-a-dream-within-a-... And then gave up. It's like a journal into myself five years ago.
Note- this went into another five pages of rambling, and a link to a story I haven't read in almost four years. The points were: Nowhere girl, and "I hate the fact that she throws away her past self, as much as I did when I first read it... but I really wish I could go back to me then, and talk some sense into my far-too-kind-and-forgiving self.
*Wide, not high. It's more of "If I shuffled my certificates & minors around, I have the equivalent of a dozen bachelor's. I completed two semesters of Russian in a week when I decided to change my major two weeks before graduation. I have so many pieces of paper because this happens all the time.
**I've seem $2.75. And that looks cheap, strangely. The times have hardened this man.