End of Semester News

Dec 16, 2008 21:56

Final Grades have come in and I did pretty well. A big improvement from mid-term, anyway.

It stacks out like this:

CE 3200 Hydraulics--A
CE 3300 Geotech--A
CE 3350 Geotech Lab--B
CE 3415 Structures--A
CE 4500 Photogrammetry--A
MUS 4250 Tiger Band--A

So, it would have been another 4.0 semester for me except for that Lab in which NO ONE could understand what the TAs were saying. I'll just accept the B and be thankful that it wasn't a 3-hr credit.

My winter break schedule puts me in a assortment of places. Friday, my family and I leave for Colorado for a little Christmas vacation. I've never not gone to Laplace for Christmas, so this will be a bit of a change. Once we get back, I'll have just enough time to get unpacked in Baton Rouge and join the band for our trip to Atlanta (Chick-fil-a Bowl). I think we'll be getting back New Year's Day and I'll have a free week after that. Then I'll be traveling with the professor I do research for (and his grad students) to Washington DC for a transportation research conference. He had grants that paid for the trip, so I was like, "holler!"

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