House on the Lake (2/2)

May 29, 2013 00:57

House on the Lake (2/2), Ninth Doctor/Rose, Adult
AU. Of course, he hadn’t accounted entirely for Rose Tyler, 6484 (this part)


... )

challenge 010, :charlottetrips

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Comments 21

edensaints May 29 2013, 09:32:33 UTC
Welp, I'm crying now. Brilliant story!


charlottetrips May 29 2013, 21:02:02 UTC
I'm just going to take that as a compliment because I meant to make you cry :) I mean not you specifically but you know what I mean :P


wildwinterwitch May 29 2013, 13:08:46 UTC
That is very tastefully done for an underage story. And very sad...


charlottetrips May 29 2013, 21:02:39 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad to hear that I wasn't completely off the rails with the premise


crystal_roes May 29 2013, 14:34:36 UTC
You stuck a dagger in my heart and twisted it, but it was a good sort of hurt, the kind that comes from angst that is written really well. Excellently done!


charlottetrips May 29 2013, 21:03:04 UTC
Thank you so much!

Btw I LOVE your icon, it made me giggle


bloose09 May 29 2013, 15:27:56 UTC
I cannot express how moving how found this fic. It was heartbreakingly beautiful on so many levels. You handled their ages difference with tact and their relationship worked within the story. The best stories are the ones that stay with you long after you have read them. I finished Ch.1 yesterday (on FFNet) and thought about where you would take them the rest of the day. I was so happy Ch.2 was waiting for me when I woke, even if it broke my heart to read it.

This line was perfection:
There’s a house in the middle of a lake. It has a bright blue door that’s faded over time. It stands alone against the mountain skyline and the clear lake.

Thank you for a memorable tale, an instant favorite.


charlottetrips May 29 2013, 21:38:54 UTC
You are way too kind :)

It was so lovely to read this review because this story is the first story in a looong time that's grabbed me and thrown me at the keyboard and made me write. I literally couldn't stop writing, taking any moment in between work to do this. I also wrote about subjects that I normally would shy away from such as the underage thing and smut so to hear that it actually paid off is so nice to hear.

So thank you :)


someplacetobe May 29 2013, 16:25:02 UTC
I can't help but feel all kinds of sad for her, and him, but mostly her since it's Rose we got to know/


charlottetrips May 29 2013, 21:39:24 UTC
Yes and thank you. You're so cute to review everything, really :)


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