Name: Cynthia
Livejournal Username:
AIM/MSN: AIM: Zeofyre
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: N/A
Name: Yubel
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Timeline: Just before she would have fused with Juudai in episode 155.
Canon Resource Links: Affiliation: Trainer
Personality: Yubel is passionately devoted to Juudai, to the point that when he sent her into space in the hopes she would be mentally healed and no longer psychotic, she interpreted the pain she felt as his love for her and formed her philosophy of "pain is love and love is pain". Yubel is literally incapable of conceiving that Juudai doesn't love her in some fashion, and if the thought ever does occur to her, her general reaction is "destroy every thing", since in her opinion (for most of canon anyway), the universe only exists to give her and Juudai a place to love one another. If she doesn't have his love, then existence has no need to...exist.
Yubel is Juudai's guardian and even without her powers, she will consider it her duty to protect him. Yubel is obsessive about this, and it forms the core of her personality. She is jealous of his friends, though with time around Juudai that can be changed. She is also smart-mouthed to him, as in later episodes past where she is taken from for this RP, he refers to "more of her backtalk", though little interaction between them after the fusion is shown on-screen.
No one else in the entire world matters to Yubel except for Juudai. She sacrificed her human body to gain the power to protect him and even though she'll have it back, she won't give up her mission. She loves him with all of her heart and soul. And when I say "no one else matters", that's exactly what I mean. The only way any other people matter to Yubel is because they could be useful to gain access to Juudai.
Yubel also keeps her word. She is careful with how she chooses her words, however, so the person she's talking to might believe she means one thing, but she actually means something else. She is the master (mistress?) of granting monkey's paw type of wishes. For canon examples, she convinced a professor that she would reunite him with his deceased son. He believed that would mean his son would be brought back to life. Instead, Yubel cast an illusion so that he believed his son was still alive, and he walked off a helicoptor platform to his death.
As the moment she's taken from is just before she would have fused with Juudai, she still has some of the mindset the Light of Ruin left her with concerning love being pain and vice versa, and she has some sadomasochist tendancies as well, as always, where Juudai is concerned. Spending time with Juudai will help with that.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Yubel's monofocus on Juudai can be both a good and a bad thing. It gives him someone who is absolutely loyal beyond words, but it's stunted Yubel herself in some fashions. Not that she especially cares. Still, it will limit her more than she might end up liking. Her eternal focus and concern will always be Juudai, no matter what.
Yubel really doesn't care about other people for who they are, seeing them only as tools to get to Juudai (pre-fusion) or as people who are important to Juudai (post-fusion). She will use anyone to get what she wants, which is usually Juudai. Other people's opinions don't matter.
Yubel can be childish and immature. Her reaction to Johan stating he was Juudai's best friend was "I didn't give you permission to be his best friend!" She doesn't have tantrums, but she is selfish and headstrong, refusing to listen to anyone who doesn't say what conforms to her expectations of reality: including Juudai.
She won't abuse her Pokemon or anything, but it will be hard for her to form any real friendships with them, given that focus on Juudai. Of course, she'd still try to be the best she could be, because she believes that's what Juudai would want out of her.
To sum it up, in Yubel's world there are two people, her and Juudai, and no one else need apply. Ever.
Starter: Larvitar
Password: salmon riceballs
(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)
First Person Sample: [The screen slowly resolves to reveal a very pretty young woman of about fourteen. She isn’t actually looking at the screen, however, nor does she seem to realize that anyone else can hear her. She looks in every direction before she begins to speak, her voice strained and angry, with hints of confusion.]
Juudai? Juudai! I don’t understand…we were going to…you said you were going to fuse our souls! You love me, you really do…
Where are you? Where am I? What is all of this?
[Still not noticing the screen, now her voice takes on tones of pure, raw rage.]
Someone has kidnapped me. They will pay for this. No one takes me away from my beloved Juudai. I will find a way to get back to him, and whoever dared to do this will suffer for it. They can give me all the toys they wish, but I am not a child. I have no need for their foolishness. I should just throw it away. “Pokemon”. Ridiculous.
…wait. [She’s apparently just noticed something, and it may be noticed she’s staring at …her hand?]
Why am I human? This can’t be! This form has been gone for eons. I can’t…this isn’t right.
[The screen goes blank.]
Third Person Sample: Yubel closed her eyes and shook herself from head to foot. This couldn’t be happening. When she opened her eyes, she would see herself as she should be. Nothing could undo the transformation she’d undergone all those eons ago. She wouldn’t have wanted it to even if it could. It was for Juudai, and for him she could, and would, do anything.
She cracked one eye and stared down at her hand. She wanted to see large claws, dark pink skin, her long yellow nails. She wanted to see herself.
What she saw was a human hand that hadn’t existed for thousands of years. “No.” The word hissed between her teeth. She slammed one fist into a nearby tree and winced in surprise, both at how much it hurt and at the fact it hurt at all. That wasn’t supposed to happen. Nothing was supposed to be able to hurt her.
She brushed her knuckles off; she wasn’t as strong as she had been, she noted. The tree should have splintered entirely. Instead, for all she could tell, she hadn’t even touched it. At least not so far as the tree was concerned. The way her knuckles ached proved she had done so.
Someone had abducted her. How they had done this and how they had taken her powers from her and changed her back into a human, she didn’t know. It doesn’t matter. Only Juudai matters. Human or not, she would protect him and love him with every fiber of her being. She would find a way back to where she belonged. She ached for the fusion that Juudai had spoken of. They had been so close.
No matter. Whatever she had to do in order to find Juudai, she would do. She already had done so much to prove her love and earn his once again in return and it had worked. She would do so again, if she had to tear the universe apart in order to be with him. It wouldn’t be the first time she’d done it, after all.
Now all that remained was how to find him in the first place.