Sep 27, 2009 17:55
[ Should you walk by Mess Hall 42 today, you'll likely smell the delicious aroma of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. And if that doesn't entice you to come visit, the sounds of laughter and chatter might. ]
Oh my god, Chekov. You're covered in flour.
Zat vould be your fault, Keptin.
[ Ena sits on a counter, eating raw cookie dough out of a large, silver bowl while Chekov makes a disgruntled noise and tries to get some of the flour off of him. The little bit of kitchen in the mess hall is a complete mess, flour, sugar, cocoa and chocolate chips strewn all over the place. ]
If I knew you vere zis horrible in ze kitchen, Keptin, I do not think I vould have agreed to help you.
[ Ena just laughs and holds out a large chunk of cookie dough to Chekov. ]
Here. Peace offering.
[ Just then, the oven dings and Chekov and Ena rush to grab the cookies out of the oven. As they set them out to cool, their mouths water. ]
Oh, that smells delicious.
Yes, zey do.
[ Cue mouth-watering and staring as they wait for the cookies to cool down enough to eat. ]
kat: pavel chekov (2258.50),
kat: jimena t. kirk (2258.45),
beth: spock (2258.50),
pink: gaila (2258.42),
beth: deven lanford (2373),
[location] mess hall