Title: reverie
Pairing: Himchan/Jongup
Group: B.A.P
Rating: PG (very PG)
Notes: do you know i have an exam tomorrow and i do not care anymore and lj is fucking up all of my shit
Summary: No one is more beautiful than a person who dreams, or maybe it's who he dreams about?
It’s Jongup who moves first, climbing up from where he’s been sitting on the floor, back to the couch and shoulder pressing into Himchan’s calf. His shoulder was warm and the top of his head something to contemplate, and he is always quiet enough not to bother anyone if they’re working or distracted. But now, Himchan looks up from the tablet, confused and disoriented for a moment as Jongup kneels on the couch, dipping the cushion down.
“What’s going-?” Himchan asks, voice dying in his throat as Jongup smiles at him. It’s one of those secretive smiles, not him laughing at Daehyun’s jokes or trying to grin as a fan asks him another uncomfortable question (“I get my briefs from G-Market.”) Himchan’s heartbeat skips in his chest and his voice goes silent, because Jongup reaches over and presses one small hand to Himchan’s shoulder and leans in close.
And Himchan is still wearing his glasses because apparently he doesn’t plan things very well, but Jongup slides one finger under the bridge and pulls them off. The world goes fuzzy and Himchan should protest, because he was doing something, but Jongup folds the glasses up and then slides his hand around, brushing Himchan’s hair back from his face. It makes his chest compress and he can barely breathe, because Jongup is still moving closer and his palm is cupping Himchan’s chin.
Himchan doesn’t have a thing for hands but Jongup’s are nice and warm and slightly rough, holding his face in place. Jongup leans in, the soft tip of his nose sliding against Himchan’s for a moment before he tilts his head to the side and Himchan does the same. He can feel Jongup’s breath against his mouth, soft and warm, and the hand around Himchan’s face sends heat across his skin and pins him in place.
A moment later, Jongup kisses him, fitting their mouths together. It’s cute and gentle and so like Jongup that Himchan can barely react for a moment, before he lets his eyelids drop down and he kisses Jongup back. He’s so warm up against Himchan and the way he kisses is soft and slightly wet, like he licked his lips right before he kissed Himchan and that’s cute, just like Jongup-
“Himchan-hyung!” Daehyun’s loud voice shocks him out of his reverie and Himchan bolts upright, confused. The tablet slides from his lap and onto the couch, but Jongup is nowhere to be seen. Daehyun peers at him from the doorway to the kitchen, like he's trying to figure out if something is wrong with Himchan. He seems to decide otherwise. “Everyone’s eating dinner, come on.”
He turns back without watching to see if Himchan follows, obviously too invested in the chicken wings the managers bought them for a treat tonight. Himchan bumps up his glasses on his nose and trundles over to the doorway to the kitchen.
Everyone is there, huddled around the dinner table and talking in low voices. Jongup is piling food onto his plate, nodding along as Junhong tells him about some new video he found online, such cool dance moves, hyung, we need to try them out- and Himchan slides around the table to the open seat next to Yongguk, trying not to let his flushed skin show when Jongup’s gaze flicks up to him briefly and he gives him that small, private smile.
It’s exactly like the one he gave before he kissed him and Himchan can’t help the way his heartbeat kicks in his chest at the thought of those lips against his. It hasn’t happened yet, but maybe it will.