"hey i was thinking about how we all went our seperate ways after freshman year" me: 'yeah dude, it sucks! :(" "i just wanted to say i'm sorry that i'm not as good of a friend as i should be" <3
1) "I missed you so much tonight. Everything's so boring without you here."
2) "Things will get better. You have so many people who love you and who want to see you happy and see you smile. You are not a burden, Brandie. And I love you, and I want you to be happy."
After a terrible, terrible day, he's what got me through it.
"Thank you for being you. Thank you for teaching me never to give up no matter what. Thank you for helping me to realise that it's okay to fall down as long as you get back up again. x"
I just got this in a text from one of my best friends. Completely out of the blue. She does make me smile sometimes :)
"Little sister cooked french toast this morning and we discussed the merits behind saving a few letters of ink on a syrup label. I'll miss her when she goes to college. :("
I don't know if he wanted me to see this, but yeah. I have the best brother :)
"You are not an inconvinience. You have had 'I'm a burden' pumped into your brain like crap down a sewer... You are a joy, and my hope for a better life."