since i was bashing ms fisher last time its coach brooks & mr bouldins turn. first coach brooks assigns us lab partners which is stupid but we have an odd number in our class. so instead of putting 3 people in a group, im the one without a partner so therefore everytime someone is absent im their replacement. it was just making me mad. & now mr
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well today was disney day and there were too many minnies, tinker bells, & snow whites. but at least there were originals like penny proud, the cat & queen of hearts from alice in wl. pinnochio, penguin form mary poppins
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well i guess we better have enjoyed this week because its the last until thanksgiving (for yall) i get a couple more days bc of new york. 1 month and 5? days. anyway ms campbell got a - today (haha susan) because she sprang this last minute test on us. did she ever say why she was going to be absent all next week? anyway news channel 5 got a set
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so me my mom my sister & my granny visted my grandfather's grave saturday. me & my sister never knew him because he died before we were born (he owned a grocery store 'early bird' & then someone robbed & shot him. pretty sad) but anyway we went to the grave site & the one next to him someone had just gotten buried & so my granny asked what the
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so since the fair plans crumbled this weekend, i guess people made their own plans for the fair without asking anyone else if they wanted to go. coughbritneetaliajeancough. so talia invited jean & then britnee went on her own. but then they all 3 somehow met up with each convienant
ok so smallville came on and it was really good. still some unanswered questions though...does lex still have his powers? bc his hand healed after the stone; how did lionel know what he was writing?. also some notable things: weird/funny clark & lois moment; martha & jor el finally talk to each other; clark wanted chloe; jimmy is too friendly to
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happy birthday susan and sarah. hope yall had a good day. for me today was kind of boring and by the way britnee peters you will suffer for what you did