Title: Backseat driver
Rating: G
Words: 100
Characters: Donna, Doctor (kind of)
Warning/Spoilers: Journey's End spoiler
Summary: Not even when she can't remember, could she ever really in her heart forget.
Disclaimer: I have a confession to make. I am actually Russell T. Davies. I know. I'm sorry I've lied to you guys.
A/N: inspired by something I read on sixbillionsecrets.
She had just finished getting the groceries, and she was going to drive on to turn right, but something had stopped her.
"Wait!" the Doctor shouted from the backseat.
Hitting the breaks, her blue car came to a halt. Had she not stopped, she would have been lopped over by a truck.
It was at that moment that Donna had to pull over on the side, because she could not stop crying, because the Doctor had left her behind three years ago, and because for a split second, she remembered. And now, she was just crying for no reason known.