why: I feel guilty for not listening to The Killers as much as I used to, and for not loving Brandon as much as I did. However, he still holds a special place in my heart because he's beautiful, has a beautiful voice, and makes beautiful music.
why: I'm not sure. He's one of those actors I feel a connection too, where I'll see him in just about anything. Plus, he's quite sexy.
why: Zach basically single-handedly created Beirut, one of my favorite bands ever. He is so talented it's unreal - the first album, Gulag Orkestar, sounds like it was performed by an entire gypsy orchestra, but it was actually recorded by Zach in his basement, pretty much all by himself. Zach is also incredibly articulate and charming. He's backpacked across Europe. Yeah, he earns my respect in a multitude of ways.
why: For some reason, as I re-watched the seasons of Lost, I grew to like Jack very much. And as I grew to like Jack, I grew to love Matthew Fox. He's pretty gorgeous.
why: Always sorta knew about him and always sorta liked him, but then I started watching How I Met Your Mother, and I grew to love Neil. He's so cute and charming!
why: I first saw him in Pride and Prejudice as Mr. Darcy, and, well, he was simply brilliant. Then I saw him in Death at a Funeral and was head over heels.
why: He is the only reason I tolerate Ron Weasley. He's just adorable, and I love his coloring.
why: I remember watching Atonement in 2006 and not understanding the big deal everyone was making about him. A year ago, I saw Atonement once more, as well as a few other films James has starred in. Suffice it to say, I get the big deal now.
why: I don't even know what to say that doesn't consist of incoherent babbling. Joseph is so good-looking, and so talented. I've loved him in everything I've seen him in.
why: He used to be number two, actually. I just...I don't really like his current projects. I think he's an amazing actor - one of the best - but I did like his old movies better. Oh, and I think he's a hell of a lot better looking without facial hair.
why: Oh, what to say about RDJ? I love him so much. He makes an awesome Iron-Man, a fantastic Sherlock Holmes, and just basically rocks every role he's given. I love his easy charm, his smooth manner, and his rugged good looks.
why: This happened very fast. I mean, look at the man, he's impossibly gorgeous. And it helps that I've become completely obsessed with Eric Northman of True Blood. And Sweden. >.>
why: This man...is simply amazing. He's too beautiful for words, and he is so talented. It's unbelievable how much of a chameleon he is, unbelievable to see the changes he goes through from character to character. He's played a drag queen, a soldier, a man running from zombies, a mental patient, a douche, a 16th-century Dutch butcher, a neurotic houseowner, a physicist, a cold assassin, and more. And he does it all flawlessly. He doesn't just become the character, he already is his character. I respect and admire him so, so much. I wish I could possess 1/10th of his acting talent. I'd really be set.