He's sitting too close to us it's making me uncomfortable. We stand and I am tempted to record him talking about ducks and ponds and menimmumummmerr the English language is failing him. I'm scared to death he'll hear the beeping of the machine and that too much mayhem even for my liking will ensue
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I woke myself up laughing in my sleep this morning, and I realized that while this used to be a frequent occurrence it hasn't happened in some time
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...had been thinking of the definition of "real men" recently, and wonder if the idea exists differently now than it did before, or if maybe if the following notion belongs solely to me
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I have become incredibly brave as of late it's even surprising to myself.
I, for whatever reasons, am not afraid of the possible downsides. As if nothing bad, as bad as it could be, would disrupt the harmony and happiness that I have right now.
Snuggled up in the biggest, frumpiest, sweater I could find, I battled a brief work standstill, stress, and lack of sleep by indulging in girl things and grooming today
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