Hiya everyone, my name is Sensible and I come bringing you a character named Elizabeθ "Theta" Buckley.
Here's her app if you want to read my massive tl;dr over it:
http://ergaleomancer.livejournal.com/17377.html?style=mine In short, though:
☞ Theta is famous. And her reputation is BAD. Unless you live under a rock, you've probably heard of her.
☞ She's like the Paris Hilton of London, only it's not that she's an idiot...it's that she's that smart and won't shut her mouth like a good little girl. But she's also that level of rich with an entitlement complex.
☞ Have I mentioned the tabloids? She is in the tabloids. Constantly. Think Britney Spears during the height of her freakouts. Not everything they publish about her is accurate. Everything they publish about her is inflammatory. And she's been the media's love-to-hate girl since her 16th birthday. She's now 21. You're probably sick of hearing about her!
☞ Her father works for the Queen. This is why Theta gets away with so much. It's a well known fact that her parents think she does no wrong and refuse to punish her for ANYTHING.
Some information that MAY NOT BE ACCURATE but that the tabloids are fond of publishing about her as if it is true:
☞ She might be a lesbian! Or a very effeminate gay man who is hiding from the law by pretending to be a woman.
☞ She thinks of herself as a man in a woman's body!
☞ Etc etc tabloid level craziness, feel free to adlib for lolz as these are -tabloids- we're talking about.
I look forward to meeting all of you and playing with you! I can be reached on AIM at SensibleCricket, YIM at SensibleCricket, MSN at SensibleCricket@Hotmail.Com, and email at SensibleCricket@Gmail.Com. Drop me a line! I may tl;dr but I don't bite!