Who: Drake and everyone else ever, lol
What: Drake's 20th Birthday party
When: Saturday night
Where: Drake's house
Why: Because I'm hoping there will be drama for you mama and the llama
"I regret agreeing to this," Drake said seriously, running his hands through his newly cut hair. "That coffee table's gonna get destroyed."
"You didn't agree," Ryan said, setting a drink in front of him. "You were informed, and no way, we put up a sign and everything," he said, gesturing to the sign on the coffee table that read 'Get On This Table and DIE'.
"Drunk people."
"It's not your coffee table," he said reassuringly. "Hey, so is whats-his-face coming? Your fella?"
"Patrick?" Drake asked, taking a drink from the glass and grimacing at how Ryan seemed to think vodka was a tasteful garnish. "Yes."
"Ooh, and your ex too, and the hot European? Should I make you a few more drinks so you can confess your undying love nice and early?"
"I already confessed my undying love to Christoph, to no reaction. He won't even blink once for yes."
"It's physically impossible for him *not* to blink once for yes. Didn't you explain the beauty of the system?"
"He wasn't impressed by the logic."
"Hey, so," Ryan said, already having mixed another drink. "I think you should take Patrick into your room and get ravished and then when what-his-face, your ex, gets here, I'll just accidentally direct him to your room."
"No way."
"Why not? Come on, it's your birthday, you deserve to be emotionally vindictive to your ex."
"One, it would childish, and two, he probably wouldn't even care."
"You'd still get laid."
"...*I*, for one, am impressed by your logic." The doorbell chimed, but he could barely hear it over the sound of the 20 or so people who had already arrived. "I have to go greet my public," he said with a grin. He got up and went to answer the door.
OOC note: I'm gonna comment with specific party topic headlines to thread post under to avoid excess confusion (hopefully), such as At the Bar, and so on. Also, if your character's present is extra special (Forrest, lol), just post a separate thread for it, cause otherwise opening a million cards via thread is gonna get way tedious.