~Private bit~
Waking up in the morning fuzzy headed but with Rem's arms around me is a wondrous thing. Well, not the fuzzy headed. That you can keep. But having Rem close to me from the moment I open my eyes, starting my day by kissing him is definitely a better start to my day than anything else. If I have to get out of bed at all...
~end private bit~
The usual chat in the Great Hall at breakfast time was oddly subdued. Most sixth and seventh years were looking a bit peaky. My guess was that the Slytherins had threatened to hex anyone who made a lot of noise. Though Snivellus and Bella both looked bright eyed. Well Bella did, Sniv just looked like he usually did, so it was hard to tell. And Regulus was gazing at him adoringly... Ugh!! Pathetic.
Rem and I sit down together and I absently reached for some toast. About all I could face this morning. Certainly not bacon and egg...
I cough and my eyes water. What the fuck?
Coughing and glasses being filled with pumpkin juice suggest that the food tastes hot for all, not just me. In a small way, that's a relief.
I wipe my eyes and notice that Rem is grinning at me. Did he know? Probably. I scowl... bastard.
James is not looking impressed either. I look across at the Slytherin table. It just had to be one of them.
Most of them are watching and laughing, but then, so are most people in the Great Hall.
Hmmm, luckily I didn't try to combat the taste with pumpkin juice. Apart from not liking it much, it looks like that has been flavoured as well.
After breakfast, with the taste of cayenne pepper still in our mouths (well some of us, I still say Rem could have warned me) we farewell those who are going home for the Christmas holidays.
I give Lily a kiss on the cheek and threaten to do the same to James.
I look around, there's a handful of students staying, varying ages and houses.
This is the first Christmas ever that I haven't been at home. And I am determined to make it the best Christmas ever.
But right now, I want something to eat that tastes like food and I want to sleep some more. What are my chances?