ix_tab did a meme that asked people to pick interests, and picked from mine:
petrol and bees: Two great tastes that taste great together! (Oh that is the least true thing. Petrol pisses off bees, like, a lot. DO NOT MIX PETROL AND BEES YOU GUYS.)
bisexual hamster called freedom: In the run up to the Trek reboot I became curious about Quinto's acting range and dreamy eyes, and I found him in some sitcom on youtube. It was a one-off character on a sitcom I'd never heard of but he plays a guy on a reality show who keeps claiming loudly to be bisexual. This character has a hamster, who is also bisexual, and is called freedom. COme to think of it, this is kind of enorumously offensive. But you see Quinto do it, and it takes on a meta level of entertainment. Freedom may or may not die, I can't remember.
Found it! Freedom totally dies.
triple-threat-multi-weapons-training: Serge Storms has this. This is Serge's logo:
Which should tell you all you need to know.
improbable lesbian crossovers: When Lorelai Gilmore and Alex Cabot do each others nails and make out a bunch. When Willow seduces Tosh. When Martha Jones berates Meredith Grey for eating all the icecream and they make up b eating some more icecream. I love that shit.
it's not "the" watchmen: Seriously, you guys, it's not hard! It's right there in black and white (yellow)!
more pie less virginity: You can't tell me that's not a good idea. I am quite good at pie, too, there's parts of a maple pumpkin praline pie still in my fridge.
Comment if you want me to pick six for you!