Dear Yuletide Writer

Nov 18, 2011 11:41

Thank you for signing up! I hope this will be fun!

Lackadaisy: Jesus, OK, words cannot describe how much I want fic for this fandom. Something like two or three stories exist? So just writing for it is pretty much a gift. That said, Mordecai and/or Viktor are my favourite, and anything about their individual or collective backstories would be amazing. Slashed or not, either works for me. I do also love Rocky, Freckle, Zib, Ivy and Mitsi!

Luther: I ship Luther/Alice and I've never really been able to explain why. It's like she's too interesting to kill and to dangerous to have as an enemy and he just fascinates her. I guess I'm looking character study of them combined with some kind of sexy times? I'm open to an unhappy ending, because come on, look at them. Or an OT3 with Mark!

Bartimaeus Trilogy: Kitty, Kitty dealing with the world they left her, perhaps in parallel to Nathaniel dealing with the world he's found himself in? IDK, these crazy kids. Bartimaeus doesn't have to be there all along, but if he could make some kind of appearance, if only as flashback, I'd love it.

General: I like language, snark, sarcastic co-dependence, emotional growth, sociopaths with heart, pirates, things that are complicated. I don't like porn for the sake of porn and fluff.

Everyone else, signups are still open until Sunday night!


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