Title: Graced (Chapter 1)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: graced!AU, adventure, romance
Pairings: Eeteuk/Kangin, Heechul/Hankyung, Yesung/Ryeowook, Kibum/Donghae, Kyuhyun/Zhou Mi, slight!Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Sungmin/Siwon, Shindong/Nari, Eunhyuk/OC, Henry/OC
Summary: The king keeps all those Graced with two different colored eyes and unique abilities under his
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Comments 17
Like, six hours later. Or more, I think xD
"It amazes me," he whispered to Kibum, "the things our king will punish people for."
HAHA LOLLL EETEUK IS SO FUNNY actually he's kinda weird and obnoxious in that suble way :/
Also, I sense jealous!min wheeee although kyumin is definitely better than qmi no offense
If writing random crack will cause you to post another chapter, I think you're going to be reading a lot of crack soon. 8D
I like your icon btw
Yeah I was going to say. XDD
LolI know, huh? Epic Eeteukkie is epic and obnoxious 8D
OR DO YOU? Lolno you do. And Yeah I knoe but I cant friggin write Kyumin I fail at it and Kyumi are fucking sexy and why don't you spot jealous!someone else, HMMM?
Yeah go write me crack. Crack is always good. Go write me crack for making me fail that algebra test that i wouldve failed anyway if i had actually spent the night doing all the studying i wouldn't have done anyway if i wasnt stalking tumblr and youtube and facebook and y'know waht? I wouldve failed no matter what, just go write me crack and tell me to study XD
lol i knoe huh henry's collarbone is sexy
>.> Maaaaaaaaybe. dang psychic readers mumblegrumble
Thank you! :D
I absolutely LOVE your fic <3
The way you portray them is amazing, I hope you keep on writing :)
Thats good, because I think its slightly crappy. XD
Thanks :D
I love Donghae's colors the most <3
Yes, Shindong and Eunhyuk are both Graced, as well as Eunjin. I could've sowrn I put Eunhyuk's and Eunjin's eyes in this one, but I mustve accidentally skipped it when I typed it :/ They're both Graced with dancing, and Shindong is Graced with jokes and storytelling :D
Hopefully everything will be clearer after the next few chapters~
And askjfhakjghlkjsd Simin are too adorable to not be together. 8D
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