Nov 29, 2011 17:52


It's a cold night on the trail. You're traveling at a pace that's almost, what's that, grueling? Just about. The sunlight is fading and the darkness is setting in, as night befalls your dusty wagon train. You start to slow, the trains ahead of you coming to a stop. You're about to gather 'round for another rest break, eh? A quiet wagon circle; get some fires going, some blankets rolled out and find some comfy logs and rocks to sit on.

But as you do, you notice something strange. People are becoming ill at an alarming rate. If you're not careful, you might trip over one of those logs while you're dodging someone's nausea -- and Heaven knows there's snakes down there! What was that? A scream, definitely. "Snake bite!" you hear, echoing from across the gathered circle. In seconds, someone's pulled their guns. BANG. BANG. Aiieeoooww!!

That? That definitely wasn't a snake they just shot. A glance tells you your wagonmate's behind has just become a little too friendly with some over-eager bullets.

This can hardly end well.

So what's your fate?

How This Works: Down below is a list of ailments and diseases. If you would like your character to participate, just head to the RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR and put in a number between 1 and 11! That will be your character's ailment, which will last a minimum of 4 days (or longer if you so prefer it)! The ailments and diseases are as follows. Once again, this little event is hardly mandatory, but if you're so inclined to throw a little chink into your character's life, go for it!

1. DYSENTERY: Everyone's classic favorite! Characterized by bodily fluids, well, exiting as quickly as possible in every way they can, your character is going to feel like they've got the super-flu. And that is the nice way of putting it. Further details, for the morbidly curious, can be found by clicking on the link.

2. BROKEN LEG: Your character's broken their leg. Maybe in the haste to avoid their wagonmate's dysentery onslaught, they ran and tripped -- fumbling over one of the rocks present for sitting.

3. SHOT IN THE BUTT: Another classic. Your character was minding their own business; maybe getting casually out of the way of those snakes and screaming, frenzied trailgoers, when someone pulled out a rifle and levelled it with a particularly wiley snake. That bullet definitely did not make it to that snake.

4. SNAKE BITE: Easy enough. Your character was probably sitting innocently on a log, maybe leapt up in the chaos -- startling the wildlife. Also that wildlife was a rattler, who had absolutely no desire to deal with your shenanigans and let loose with the venom into your ankle.

5. BROKEN ARM: Running from the wildness of tonight's escapades probably wasn't the best idea. You've smacked right into someone; toppled backward, and in an effort to avoid the fire you've over-corrected and broken your arm. Damn, and that was your good arm.

6. FOOD POISONING: Yup. Prrrobably shouldn't have let your less-than-Gordon-Ramsay cooking companions undercook that huge chunk of buffalo last night. Now you're really feeling it, and your stomach won't stop doing some pretty awful rollercoasters. Better find a bush, and hope one of those dysentery folks hasn't already claimed it.

7. FEVER: Whew, you feel awful hot all of the sudden. You can't stop sweating but you feel so cold.. and warm again? Uh oh, now you're dizzy. Better find your way back to your wagon and take a seat… or a bed of boxes. This is gonna be a long few days.

8. MAULED BY A BEAR: At some point in this scuffle, a brown bear was attracted by the scent of all this blood and fear. Hovering cautiously at the edges of the wagon train, you've put yourself right into its eager clutches. Good thing it gets bored of your screaming before it's too late for you!

9. INFECTED WOUND: You remember that topple you took during the skirmish? Yeah, you gashed up your arm pretty bad. Aaaand now it's infected. Geez, that's pretty gross to look at. You might wanna cover that up around the nauseous trailgoers.

10. POISON PLANT RASH: That was definitely the last bushel of plants you wanted to roll into to avoid the shootings, bears, snakes, and dysentery. Now you're itching all over, and there's little blisters popping up every which-where on your body. Even in the places you least expect it. Oh, well. Where is that calamine lotion… that snake oil salesman was pretty convincing with the stuff.

11. COVERED IN BEES: Mr. Sharpshooter here has done his number on the scenery, and in his haste to down the bear that's mauled a few of your wagonmates, the snakes that have slowed their movements, and a few of the wagonmates themselves -- he's shot down a particularly large hive of bees. Guess who smells delicious right now? Yeah, that's right. You. Damn, you knew you shouldn't have basted that snake oil stuff all over yourself!

!mod post, *mini-event

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