You have been warned. There is nothing of worth her besides dopey caps of Trek Sims.
Here's Pike reading. He does that a lot. His goal is the become LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD. Right now he's a yes man at town hall. He's trying.
Cait and Phil. They are dating and sort of hilarious. Cait fixes things, fishes, and dances a lot. Phil CLEANS ALL THE THINGS. And reads. They're schedules don't match up very well but I'm sending them on a date next sim night because it's Cait's day off and Phil wants to go to the symphony.
This is an average night at the Yorktown house. Number One has a tendency to start exercising right in front of wherever Pike is sitting. He's usually oblivious. Cait is dancing though it's hard to tell here. Phil is sleeping in the background because he is grumpy and does that.
My accomplishment of the day. They are friends right now and I'm working them up to dating. It is slow going.
Number One's thoughts immediately after showering. I call this a win.
I was clued into the code to get lots of money today so the house now functions much better and there is room and things (THANK GOD). Next on the list is a second bathroom.
They also live next the Kirks who are married and I am hoping pop out a little sim baby soon. *plot plot plot*