ghosts appear and fade away;

Feb 13, 2006 07:01

I am greatly amused by the new "TTC Special Constables" ads I've been seeing on the subway recently. Really, they send a great message to the masses.

Left: A dramatic bus chase ended today as police apprehended the 63-year-old woman who, upon missing her stop, grabbed the wheel of the bus and took the passengers on a 100 km/hr ride the wrong way down a one way street. In regards to her actions, the anonymous woman simply stated, "I just wanted to go to the mall."

Right: "Hey Officers, I got something for you here. I won't give it away, but here's a hint; it's not a roll of quarters."

(I'm a barrel of laughs, I know.)

There's been a lot happening round these here parts. No, I did not move to the old west, which apparently is where I retrieved that gem of a phrase. However...

  1. I hadn't seen my non-stealing, non-annoying roommate, Ming, in a week or so. Being the clever gal that I normally am, I simply assumed he had gone to visit some relatives for Chinese New Year, being that it was at the time. Then another week passes. And another. Curious, I tried the knob to his door and found it open. Everything in his room was there and perfectly preserved, but there was a note sitting on his desk. It read that his family had run into troubles back home, although it didn't say what, and that he likely wouldn't be returning to Canada. All his belongings, save for his laptop, were still in the room, waiting for his unlikely return. It felt odd, not only knowing that I was left here with her, but that he had been gone for weeks, and I was the only one who had noticed. I also felt sad not knowing what had happened to him, only knowing that he gave up his life here, and his education, to return home to whatever consequences. I've pulled the disappearing act myself on numerous occasions, and it feels strange to be on the other end of the spectrum.
  2. My apartment experiences frequent power outages, for reasons unknown. I first noticed it months ago, when I could hear the refrigerator clunking on and off in the middle of the night. It has been but a minor nuisance until this morning, the morning of my Pop Culture midterm. You can guess what happened. The power went out in the middle of the night, resetting my alarm, and I slept peacefully until 10am, 2 hours late for class. Now I must throw myself on the mercy of the court, hoping my professor will feel sympathetic enough to let me make it up. Otherwise I'll be forced to drop the course, seeing as that little multiple choice test was worth 25% of my final grade. Therefore, I may be short one credit by the end of this semester. Double frick.
  3. I've been caught up playing Final Fantasy X. I can't put it down. It completely takes me back to high school, when we all used to head back to R's place after class and play for x amount of hours. Although I never really understood the story, seeing as I jumped into it in the middle of the game, but it's completely different now that I know what's going on. The timing could not be worse, however. I have about 2158587 important things to do in the next week, but I can't stop playing a silly video game.
  4. Now that Ming's gone, I'm alone here with that beast of a girl, and things have gotten progressively worse. I've decided to lodge a formal complaint against her, because I can't stand living like this anymore. I wanted to avoid confrontation, but the problems have been piling up, and all I want is to deport her to whatever planet she came from where it's okay to steal and leave piles of hair in the shower.

That's all the updating I can muster for now. Later, gators.
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