Per promises made in my post 9-JAN-08, I have provided responses to an old meme. Cornelius, look for your questions under the comments to that post of the same date.
I couldn't have asked for a better war. I couldn't have asked for better weather. Unfortunately, there were a lot of people I didn't get to speak to, or even see. If I hadn't worked gate on Friday night, I would have missed out on seeing even more. Since Phillip was merchanting the event, I stuck close to the booth and missed a lot of the
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It hurts seeing Bryan's birthday at the top of the list with a line through his LJ user name. It hurts that his Facebook status says the best parts of his life are over and he has nothing to look forward to. Regardless of the context, it hurts that he sent me a message where the last line was "treat me like I'm dead." I want him to be happy. I
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At SCA dance practice last night, I got called-out on never posting and not answering questions on this live journal. Well, if you wanted me to respond to something and I haven't, I need to be "reminded" so just comment here. Or, if it's a private matter, email me. My old email addresses work and I also have a gmail account now. It's my lj
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I almost passed out last night at Brett's mom's funeral.
They asked people to share their memories of Ginger. I rolled something over in my mind that I thought needed to be said. After a long silence, Brett stood up and held back tears as she spoke to her mother's best qualities. Then she sat back down. Another long silence followed. The
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In the year 2007, I learned that the delivery charge Papa John's tacks on goes toward liability associated with the drivers and they never see any of it. At least, not directly. Tip your pizza delivery guys, folks! (I always tipped anyway, but had heard people say it was included in that charge
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General rules: I post this here thing. You post a comment in my journal -it can be whatever you want - and I respond with five questions about you. You post your answers and the rules in your journal; lather, rinse, and repeat. In keeping with the Fishie Rule Change, if you respond in my journal with a set of questions, I will answer them as well
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