I put together this list more than a month ago, when
perpetua54 advertised at
academics_anon. Then I sat on it for awhile, until the early semester crazy faded and I now am just a bit more available to parry your challenges, quench your queries, and prostrate my intellect for your procrastinatory amusement. So have at it!
a list )
Comments 247
I've responded to all of the first-rounds first, and I'll come back for the followups later. Right now I'm off to a colloquium, then a post-colloquium reception and post-post-colloquium dinner. There being a good chance I'll return home late and drop-down-sleepy, please don't be offended if you hear no more from me until tomorrow.
(By the way, I'm not getting email notification of your comments, not even to my spam folder. I don't know why this is. Once the comments start piling up, I'll have a difficult time noticing new followups to old questions. If I don't reply to you within a half-day or so, please draw my attention to your comment!)
First, a warm-up. Is this on your list just because it's generally important, or is there a more particular reason you've chosen it? Because, with the Grice and the Nagel up there, I'd think "Two Dogmas" or especially "Web of Belief" would fit more closely.
I picked this over "Two Dogmas" mainly for quasi-stylistic reasons. For one, I think the writing in "On What There Is" is just exemplary. More importantly, though, I enjoy how Quine sets up the dialectic and moves through some incredibly complex material really effectively for just a single piece. "Two Dogmas" is less clear in some crucial places.
Really, though, this article is just a placeholder for Quine's view as a whole - that's what I really appreciate. But I do think that "On What There Is" is the best statement of it (that I've read at any rate).
I should mention, though, that I don't specialize in metaphysics, epistemology, or the philosophy of language. So my appreciation is decidedly of the only-partly-informed variety!
Grice I use much more explicitly - I think many of our purported intuitions about test cases (in, among other domains, ethics and the philosophy of mind) are best explained by pragmatic facts of assertoric context. I believe this is compatible with recognizing that, when pragmatics aren't the full answer, a Quinean approach can help explain what we actually are doing in making theoretical claims.
More particularly - and why I love book 3 so much - I'm amazed at his insights into human psychology. While ostensibly reasoning in an a priori fashion from first principles of the material constitution of the universe, he goes on to derive some remarkably accurate generalizations about the functioning of the mind, many of which wouldn't be picked up by empirical psychology for another 250 years. I don't have my marginalia in front of me, so I can't give you precise examples, but I remember that he basically describes operant conditioning, and several major cognitive biases. I take it as a mark of really nice theory that it gives you the power to anticipate discoveries centuries ahead of everyone else!
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