Title: Words
Fandom: Doctor Who
Disclaimer: Does not belong to me.
Notes: Spoilers for "Last of the Time Lords".
For one year, the Doctor doesn't speak many words aloud. There are too many and there are not enough, but he doesn't say them. He lets his eyes do the speaking.
When Francine looks over at him and no one else is looking. You'll be so proud of her.
When Tish bends down to put some kind of inedible junk into his bowl. You'll see.
He's taken up to where they're holding Jack once, twice, then too many times for him to count. The wheelchair is positioned only feet in front of him and he has to watch Jack die over and over and over again.
They smash his face with the blunt end of a gun and suffocate him with bare hands. It's never anything quick.
Jack looks at him through swollen eyes. Just you wait, Jack.
The Master made his body old, but it doesn't hurt any more than it usually does. His body just moves more slowly, and sometimes he loses his breath. But he's been old for a long time now. It's one year on top of hundreds.
Hang on. You can hang on. Francine twists her ankle coming down the stairs. She's angry and weary.
Tish mouths the words 'I hate him' from under the desk while she scrubs the floor until it shines. I know.
If he could speak to Martha, maybe he'd tell her all of the words boiling inside of him. But she is those words. She lives them. He isn't all-knowing, he isn't all-seeing. But, he can feel space and time and everything always moving. And he can feel the world getting stronger.
Days, weeks, months. Waiting.
And then Martha laughs.