Title: Decisions Decisions Fandom: Kanjani8 Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Ohkura/Ryo, Subaru/Ryo Disclaimer: This is a fictional situation. Notes: Written for rainymemories for je_fqfest :D
Subaru just grins at both of them. "Go on," he says. eeehehehhehehehe. Unfortunately it's late and I'm suffering a brain fart right now so this is all the comment you get. But I loved it. And have mem'd it. Thank you for sharing <333
I'm glad you liked the fic! :D <3333 The Subaru/Ryo kind of happened by accident but I'm glad it did because I'm a fan too even though I don't write them much. XD
Oh my love for your fics ♥ and for you <333 That was so hot, I enjoyed every bit of it. *-* Did I ever mention I have a weakness for OhRyo? And that I very much enjoy RyoBaru?
"No, see, you have to get Ohkura started first or else he'll just be lazy about the whole thing," LOL I love my Tacchon just like that ♥ And I melt every time he calls Ryo "Ryo-chan" ;D
Oh, why didn't I tumble on this fic, when you shared it?? (I so lame...) It would've crowned my b-day~ Anyways, thank you for this Ryo/Baru/Tacchon fic ^^ It was really, really great!! *Hugs*
Comments 9
I am a fan. &hearts
"So," Ryo says.
Subaru just grins at both of them. "Go on," he says.
eeehehehhehehehe. Unfortunately it's late and I'm suffering a brain fart right now so this is all the comment you get. But I loved it. And have mem'd it. Thank you for sharing <333
Thank you for reading and commenting!! ♥♥
this fic is awesome. You're awesome. lol ^^
chu <3
That was so hot, I enjoyed every bit of it. *-*
Did I ever mention I have a weakness for OhRyo? And that I very much enjoy RyoBaru?
"No, see, you have to get Ohkura started first or else he'll just be lazy about the whole thing,"
LOL I love my Tacchon just like that ♥
And I melt every time he calls Ryo "Ryo-chan" ;D
Btw, I LOVE that ending <333333333333
that would be heaven...
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