Title: Nino Getting Married
Fandom: Arashi
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nino/Ohno, Nino/OFC
Disclaimer: This is a fictional situation.
Summary: Three days before Nino's wedding, Ohno confesses. Nino is not amused.
Notes: Written for
username_hannah for
ninoexchange! There is an OFC in this fic, but the point of the story is Ohmiya, really.
'I think we should have sex,' Ohno says. )
Comments 17
However much I want them to find a nice, fierce and classy girl to make them happy, there'll always be that delusional, hopelessly sappy part hidden in my fangirl heart that secretly wishes for exactly THIS to happen between them X3 ♥♥
Ohmiya is just.. bound to be together. It's kind of a law of nature. Like oreos and milk. Or The Doctor and his Tardis. Or Gin and Tonic. I really should not continue with this... XD
Anyway, thanks for sharing. I liked this a lot!
I really do.
I can't even say what exactly I love about this but I really love this story.
I like that they didn't have sex cause they didn't needed it to know they are in love. And I love Nino's thought.
I really love this, GREAT FIC
Thanks for sharing!! <333
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