The new house is ... Nice. Watson is still getting used to the general silence (at times he wakes up at peculiar hours, concerned he's not hearing a violin). But he's happy to be married, even if now and then he misses the old life. No time to think about it, though, as he's got a lot of new patients to sort through. Holding some notes in his
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Comments 26
"Uh, no one named Mary here," he calls up to the new arrival. "Unless that's the name of the really creepy lady I ran into when I got here, but she didn't seem like a Mary."
"Mary certainly isn't a really creepy lady, as you so eloquently put it ..." he murmurs. Then, louder, "Who are you, then?"
He heads a little closer to the stairway, looking bemused. Thankfully, there had been a change of clothes in the room he'd found, so he wasn't in the Beetle costume. Way to make an awesome first impression there, Teddy.
"Watson." First names are, at this point, irrelevant, and should there be something sinister afoot, Watson intends on keeping himself as closed as possible. "No one here apart from the two of us and the lady you ran into, you mean."
Then, the big question. "And where exactly are we?"
"Yes. That would be lovely, thank you," he says with an air of politeness. "And where would I find the parlour?"
He doesn't believe Mary's there.
If Watson goes to the parlour he will certainly find someone very like Mary, though perhaps a bit too pale, and with black buttons for eyes.
"Out of curiosity, where exactly do I find myself?"
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