(written in Aramaic)
Dear Darling Miriam,
Hello. It's me. Your future self.
It's been 2, 000 years. Much has happened, it would take several books to explain everything to you.
Depending on what age you are, you may not be able to read this. Certainly I'll make references you won't be able to understand.
The visions you see behind your eyes don't make you a bad girl or a sinner. G-d has chosen you for a special place, with special people. It's your job to help others see their way. Your best friend is also important. He's going to grow up to save the world.
Yes, him. Your quiet, strange little Yeshua is going to take on the Romans and the corrupt priests in Jerusalem. But more than that, he'll introduce the world at large to a new way of connecting with G-d. Many people won't listen, many will misinterpret everything and still others will hear and decide to disregard it all. But for those who listen, and understand and can put the truths into sincere practice, comes a transformation like no other.
Don't let Yeshua out of your sight. You were brought into the world to be his other half, the one who will listen when no one else does, the one who will not desert him. No matter what, do not forsake him. You'll be given the title of "Magdalene" as a symbol of your role. The people who take up his mission will be called "Christians", although this name will become corrupted in just a few years after his- after-no-it's not my place to tell you about that.
His impact will be so incredible that they'll begin counting the next 2, 000 years from the year of his birth. You and your friends will become literally household names, but there will be a terrible price to pay. In the first few centuries, a monumentally stupid man will get you confused with two other women. This is going to cause much trouble in the coming ages.
The nation that conquered yours will continue to oppress Israel. There will be several attempts at uprisings- some will be briefly successful but ultimately, the Romans will expel every man, woman and child of your race from most of the homeland. The people will wander, and suffer, and be abused and excluded for thousands of years.
Six million Jews will be murdered for no reason, in the 1930s and 1940s. Help will come too late. The Jews will be allowed to return to their homeland, unfortunately, another people will be living there- and there will be many wars. A Jewish leader will extend efforts toward peace and he will give up his life as a result. As I write this, almost two weeks ago the anniversary of this event was observed.
In 1945, an Egyptian peasant will unearth what will come to be called "The Nag Hammadi Library". These are a collection of papers thought to be books left out of the Christian bible. You are not the author of any of these, but they'll be instrumental in helping scholars discover the truth about the early Christians.
In the 1970s, a small group of Catholic lay people will begin meeting together and prophesizing. They'll foresee the assassination of a Pope (that's like the Chief Priest of the Temple for them), the eruption of a volcano, a space shuttle crash (in the future, there will be ships that travel to the stars ) and uncover more speculation about your life. These speculations will change everything.
Throughout the last years of the 20th century, several scholars will begin to research your life. They'll write books about you ranging from the deeply objective and academic to fictional biographies of you and strange New Age theories (New Age is complicated and not something I can explain right now). In the early part of the 21st century, a mediocre writer of suspenseful tales will incorporate part of your story into an international phenomenon. This book will be of terrible literary quality, yet its contents will come as a complete shock to most Americans. This is because these people, known as Americans- exist in a universe of their own making- still confused by archaeological evidence discovered seventy or even one hundred years before the publication of the aforementioned book.
The best that I can tell you is that life is going to get much worse before it gets better, if it ever gets better. Not exactly comforting words, but it's the truth and the truth will set you free as it is now setting the people of the future free.
And my final words to you, Miriam who will be called Magdalene, are this.
"You have to let tradition fall sometimes, you have to take action, you have to eat bacon. "
Peace be with you,
Your Future Self, Saint Mary the Magdalene
Mary Magdalene
Mythology/THe Bible