you are definitely the most beautiful girl i'll ever see. those glasses are very awesome, everything looks fabulous on you. live life to it's fullest, may no one ever break your heart.
so i need a quote for this article i'm doing for the school newspaper. the quote has to be from a student who doesn't go to my school. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN. i'd definitely appreciate it if you'd let me quote you. <333
all you gotta do is answer this:
has anyone ever stereotyped you? like a specific label did they give you? if so, what made them give you that label in your opinion?
i'd love you foreverrrr. (not that i already don't!)
Yes I've been stereotyped. I guess I was labeled it because people go by what they see and read in magazines or on tv and think automatically if you look similar you must be that. Articles such as "am i emo?" don't help. Sweaters and black framed glasses dont equal emo. I've learned to hate labels.
Comments 7
they're rebelriffic!
so i need a quote for this article i'm doing for the school newspaper. the quote has to be from a student who doesn't go to my school. THIS IS WHERE YOU COME IN. i'd definitely appreciate it if you'd let me quote you. <333
all you gotta do is answer this:
has anyone ever stereotyped you? like a specific label did they give you? if so, what made them give you that label in your opinion?
i'd love you foreverrrr. (not that i already don't!)
Yes I've been stereotyped. I guess I was labeled it because people go by what they see and read in magazines or on tv and think automatically if you look similar you must be that. Articles such as "am i emo?" don't help. Sweaters and black framed glasses dont equal emo. I've learned to hate labels.
eh, hows that? glad to help
can i just get your school's name/what town
and your full name and grade?
oh man, crrrazy.
Bridget Folcik/9
my friend labeled me grindmo the other day, that was funny.
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