Title: Boys SHINee Over Flowers. [1/?]
Author thepapergrill
Rating: PG.
Pairing/Focus: 2MIN, Ontae, Jongtae, Minkey.
Summary: Taemin lets a total stranger named Minho into his home, and also has transferred to a new school. And he's already getting some bad vibes of just what will happen...
Comments: Ideas pitched from Boys Over Flowers, obviously.
Banner copyright thepapergrill @ livejournal. Original:
Located Here.[ Hello hello, ]
Who knows? The two of us might be destiny.
It had been exactly 53 hours since he'd stepped into his home. I was partially his own fault for dragging him in though, but he'd almost regretted it. Since the 53 hours, all he'd made out was his name. Minho. "My name is Minho!" That had been the only single thing he'd said, nothing else. Minho was a tall, well built man, definitely older than he was, but by not much. His face was stunning and his body even more. Taemin was quite lost at what to do. He wasn't the type to just leave a guy out in the cold -- especially in front of his apartment's door. He just looked so hurt and cold out there; he had immediately brought him into his own home. He had no connection or relation to this stranger, or know anything about him. But a strange wave had urged him to bring him in, and this had been the outcome. "Urm.." the youngster cleared his throat, as the other met eyes with him. "I have to get to school now. It's my first day you see.. but urm.. you can do anything in the house, just don't break anything." Minho hadn't even nodded, and had went back to staring outside the window again. Ugh! What was up with him and his non-talking self? Angered at his silence, the little one stomped out, grabbing his backpack, slamming the door shut. It wasn't like he'd done anything wrong. He gave him food, shelter, clothing, water.. and in return he'd gotten: silence. Deafening silence.
It wasn't surprising that the only thing on Taemin's mind the whole way of walking to his new school was Minho. Muttering to himself, he must have seemed like a maniac to others watching. "Stupid silent.. charismatic.. frog like.. hmph!" He hadn't even noticed he'd entered the school gates, and had found out from the rowdy noise of people suddenly. He glanced up at the school laid in front of him, inspecting it for the first time. It was really big -- for Taemin had only gone to small public schools before. It was his first time being in a private school -- especially one of this much wealth and prestige. Looking around, everyone was familiar faces: heirs of companies, top stars, actors, idols.. and he was just a commoner who'd got in because of academics. He stopped to close his eyes and take a deep breath, and then continued on walking. Hopefully he'd make some nice friends and do well in his classes... his thoughts were interrupted though, due to another figure falling onto his feet suddenly.
"Aish!" The guy quickly got up, bowing exactly 90 degrees at Taemin. "I'm so sorry, I'm being so clumsy, haha! Urm.. Taemin!" The boy pointed at his name tag on his chest, pointing at his own later. "I'm Onew! You must be new. I'll introduce myself.. since I might be clumsy yet again.. eheh." His voice trailed off, as an awkward silence fell, and Taemin smiled hoping it'd go away. "Yah! Onew! Lee Jinki! Found you now! You're dead! D-E-A-D!" Onew's eyes grew to an enormous size, in fright. "Aish..! He'll never stop.. See you around Taem!" Making a little gesture of bye, he started running the other way, being chased by another short figure. The short figure stopped at the sight of Taemin, his eyes rolling up and down his whole body. "Wow, seems like I've forgotten my phone number.. mind giving me yours Sunshine?" Taemin gave him a disgusted look, almost having slapped him. But instead, his foot moved totally on its own, stomping on the other's right foot. Letting out a shout in pain, the other grabbed his foot, jumping around as Taemin started to walk away. "Hey! Hey! My name's Kim Jonghyun Class 8A! You're dead when I see you again!" His eyes rolling, he'd almost had a sense he wouldn't have such a pleasant experience at this school at all.