
Aug 16, 2005 23:11

so today sucked.

now i have to work extra hard to make tomorrow a good day.

and i have 4 quizzes. ewwwwwww

to be optimistic, sara gave me her summary early. <3 ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

kaboomstarz August 17 2005, 05:59:19 UTC
aww it is sorta addicting to look up lyrics all the time.
I tend to do that when I hear a song in a movie but I'm too lazy to wait for the credits to end so I'm the dork in the movie theatre writing down the lyrics I can remember on a post-it so i won't forget them when I google them later on.
what a run-on sentence, huh?
psssh bad days...I just realized that I still suck at English =/


theperfectdunce August 18 2005, 23:45:40 UTC
hahaha awww <3
run-on sentences are awesomeeeee. fragments are even better. :)
i think i'm gonna fail riggins now :\ lolol


restlessleep August 17 2005, 21:16:17 UTC
are copying off of sara?
what was the movie this year?


theperfectdunce August 18 2005, 23:46:43 UTC
noooo. stoopid reyes projects. sara was in my group. :)
movie... Casablanca. it was pretty good, esp. for an old movie.


dr_tikki_huff August 18 2005, 01:50:13 UTC
Awwwww My Lianno Yango!! lol It'll all be better; remember, me and you are just neurotic perfectionist students, it'll turn out ok. And lyrics are addicting...*thinksofemo* lol


theperfectdunce August 18 2005, 23:47:06 UTC
aiii. it's the beginning of the year, and i already suck! uhohhhh


marissaw August 18 2005, 02:06:42 UTC
Nah.. I always look up the lyrics to songs and read them while I sing along.


theperfectdunce August 18 2005, 23:47:37 UTC
omg, me toooo!
yay! i thought i was the only one who ever did that.


lord_north August 18 2005, 02:22:09 UTC
looking up lyrics is awsome, im glad im not taking you classes...heh see ya!


theperfectdunce August 18 2005, 23:48:24 UTC
and you are taking my classes, well, at least spanish. Spanish tomorrow! ahhh!


lord_north August 19 2005, 04:33:59 UTC
i know! that sucks..


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