
Nov 16, 2005 00:30

i'm sooooo fucked.

school is so not cool anymore.

why don't things come easy any more?

if i survive this year, it'll be a miracle.


and i'm only a sophomore, so it'll only get worse right?

ugh. i wish i was smart.

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Comments 4

luckydanman November 16 2005, 13:51:45 UTC
I hope it gets better!

If you aren't doing well, I can't imagine how I'd be doing. You are really smart, Lianne.


hey marshmellotoe November 16 2005, 16:04:55 UTC
i forgot who this is but this is jana


haruka_kanata November 17 2005, 01:55:04 UTC
dude i feel the same way....its like 10 times harder this year than last -_-

i feel ya <3


pinkcottonball2 November 19 2005, 05:47:38 UTC
STFU!!! YOU ARRRREEEE SMART! If your NOT smart, than FUCK!!! I mean...what am I then?!


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