I haven't talked about the Liberal leadership race yet, because it's boring. Sorry. It is.
Lessons in grammar from the CTV ticker: "Ken Dryden is 59-years-old."
CBC Newsworld is preempting Air Farce to carry Ken Dryden's speech. I'm not sure which is worse.
Some translation: Ken Dryden, explaining to immigrants why Quebec should get special treatment: "Live and let live" -- Translation: We don't have the balls to do anything about it.
CPAC has a strange low moaning/grumbling sound that appears during applause breaks in Dryden's speech.
Dryden: "... and our arctic ice caps will keep on melting." Audience: "YAY!"
Dryden: "Mr. Harper doesn't understand life that doesn't conform to his idea of what life should be." Huh?
Dryden: "... and by George... W." Audience: "Hahaha!"
Dryden: "It's time to be Canada." Audience: Yay, uhh... I guess.
Dryden: "What's the prize? Ten provinces. Ten child-care agreements." Translation: Suck it, territories.
Dryden's speech cut off, Peter Mansbridge joins us. "You're going to see it all."
I keep forgetting about Scott Brison. Even Martha Hall Findlay is more on the map than he is.
Stéphane Dion's campaign video is set to Foo Fighters. He's a new day rising!
Hmmm... this man is not Stéphane Dion. It's
Glen Pearson. He cares. Except about French people I guess, since his website has no French version. "Ladies and gentlemen ... Stephon Deyon."
Gerard Kennedy's theme song is a fruity cover of Jesus Jones. Swing and a miss.
Kennedy: "We are ONE CANADA!" Wow. Really? I kept thinking there were 2.23 Canadas.
I feel bad for people trying to translate Kennedy into English.
CBC says Volpe will drop out and support Rae. Which will mark the only time in history that anyone will care what Joe Volpe thinks. Eat it up, boy.
Bob Rae's video. AHH! TOO MANY WORDS! Screaming! Nonsensical! Wow, a photo with Clinton. Way to not show how important the U.S. is to everything. Here comes endorsement videos with bad audio featuring MPs nobody's heard of (sorry
Jacques Saada). Here we go. Dosanjh. Godfrey. Cotler. Hedy Fry (I might have said no thanks to that endorsement).
Carolyn Bennett.
Acquaman! Looking for a distraction?
Breakage. Rae: "Some people are going to be disappointed tomorrow."
More distraction: 1 vs. 100 on Global. "Which country does not share a border with the home country of the character Borat? Egypt, China or Russia." Contestant asks the mob. A football player answered Egypt: "It's on another continent." A Vegas showgirl answered Russia. "It seems too far north." She admits she has no idea where Kazakhstan is. China is eliminated as the answer. So the answer is obvious right? No, he asks for more help.
Rae: "We have to be united as we go forward."
CPAC confirms Volpe will join Rae. If CPAC says it, you know it's got to be confirmed.
Ignatieff has a bunch of young people in his video. And former MPs. Of the two or three dozen so far, I've recognized only MPs Larry Bagwell and Wayne Easter so far. Oh, Sukh Dhaliwal, Paul Zed. Ethel Blondin-Andrew. (I know too many obscure MPs.) Romeo Dallaire. Trudeau cabinet minister
Donald MacDonald! Oh wait, I'm confusing him with
Donald K. Donald.
Iggy: "... a Canada where hope is shared, not squandered." Shit. I squandered all my hope today. Where will I find more?
Iggy: "We can shine so much brighter." Should we? Aren't we about energy consumption? We should switch to LED lighting and use only as much as is necessary.
More distraction: Tele-Quebec has
Patrick Huard. Preparing food. In a pink and purple shirt. All it needs now is him cradling a baby and the fantasy will be complete.
Elsewhere: Shawinnigan and Drummondville are tied at 2 halfway through the second period. Air Farce has a fake Ignatieff dancing (it's painful).
Brian Boitano is promised on CBS. Buffalo leads the Rangers 2-0 in the 2nd. Lewis Black is on Larry King (I'll tune in when it's repeated at 3am). Brian Griffin is in rehab. Sarah Sidle doesn't have any fingerprints, but Warrick has an idea. And Lisa Simpson is getting married.
From Rick Mercer's show: "Jean Chrétien's new book: The Sponsorship Scandal: If I did it"
Intermission. Votes are expected to come in at midnight. (Apologies to those who have to work late to get that in the paper.) I'm watching Richard Jeni on the Comedy network. Sarah Brightman is on PBS. CPAC is rebroadcasting "Martha". She looks good. The clear fashion choice of the night (sorry Belinda).
Findlay: "If I were to become leader of this party, Stephen Harper wouldn't know what hit him." That's probably true, since nobody knows who Martha Hall Findlay is.
20/20 has a story about crank callers to fast food restaurants.
Wendy Mesley is doing The National with Peter on location. "Don't worry, we'll be going back to Peter Mansbridge..." Nooo! I want to stay with you Wendy.
I remember the day I asked Wendy to marry me. She was in a hurry to get out of the room so she said she'd call me. She never did. Neither did
Deirdre McMurdy. That makes me sad.
Scott Brison looks like he was trying to stay awake. "It's the green economy stupid!" Swing and a miss.
Joe Volpe: "It's not likely to be me." Wow. This man is a genius.
Kennedy: "I know what they value most are the quiet noises in their communities." And I know what
sultrysong values most are the quiet noises when she and GK are alone in her bed.