If you join, please use Sam as your referral!
Card Worth: 136
BELLE, Megara
Future Collections:
All Beauty and the Beast sets, all Hercules set
Only for Collecting Sets
Might Trade
Will Trade
Trade Log
10/30 - recieved AfterToday01 as update freebie
- played I'm Late, received UponADecember13
- played Mickey's Movie Titles, received BeautyandBeast06
- played You Can Fly! received BeOurGuest06
- played Snow White's Soundtracks, received AfterToday11
- played Looking Through Your Eyes, received Stitch09
- played Scuttle's Scenes, received GoldenAfternoon03
- played Lady's Lyrics, received OutofThinAir03
- played I Stand Alone, received BATBPrologue11
- played Tinkerbell's Translation, received BATBPrologue06 and Hellfire03
- played Drizella's DVDs, received BestofFriends10
- played Flounder's Flip, received TheCircleofLife12
- played Queen of Heart's Quotes, received UndertheSea03
9/7 - traded BlueorPink10 and EsmeraldsDance11 for ZerotoHero13 and OneLastHope12 with TMF
9/5 - traded Villains02 for BeautyandBeast05 and Stitch13 with TMF
9/4 - traded Announcement11 for ThatBelle12 with Heather
9/1 - received Layouts13 as update freebie
8/28 - received Villains02, Villains05, PrincessAurora04, ThatBelle08, SomethingThere07, and BeOurGuest01 as update freebies
- traded BeYourWings05 for Megara06 with Claire
= LEVEL UP! received Belle04, OodeLally06, and EsmeraldasDance11
8/27 - recieved Layouts01 as update freebie
8/24 - traded Megara03 for BeGoodtoYou08 with TMF
8/20 - traded LionKingPoster06 and TheCircleofLife08 for Megara02, BeOurGuest07, and OneLastHope14 with TMF
8/18 - played I Stand Alone, received FriendLikeMe03
- played Tinkerbell's Translation, received ThatBelle06 and OutofThinAir12
- played Timon's Trivia, received SomethingThere14 and IWontSayIminLove07
- played Mickey's Movie Titles, received UnfortunateSouls07, PartofYourWorld15, Reflection08, and IllMakeaMan05
- played You Can Fly!, received YouCanFly02 and IStandAllAlone01
- played Snow White's Soundtrack, received BeinMyHeart14 and PrincessAnastasia12
- played Free for All, received Stitch04, ZerotoHero12, IStandAllAlone08, and UnfortunateSouls10
8/15 - traded BestFriends12, LearntoDoIt02, and TrashintheCamp08 for OutofThinAir01, OutofThinAir02, and OutofThinAir10 with Heather
8/12 - traded HakunaMatata14 for ZerotoHero01 with Irene
8/7 - traded Layouts02 and Reflection09 for BeautyandBeast04, BeautyandBeast10, and OutofThinAir05 with Irene
- traded StrangersLikeMe10 for Stitch01 with Heather
8/6 - received Events6, BeOurGuest08, BestofFriends12, LearntoDoIt02, StrangersLikeMe10, MermaidPoster1-07, LionKingPoster06, and AnastasiaPoster13 as update freebies
8/4 - traded Meeko08 for Megara15 with Shann
8/3 - traded Awakening14 for Stitch10 with Amy
- traded UndertheSea08 for Stitch11 with Hayley
- traded SoThisisLove07 and SoThisisLove09 for Megara09 and BeautyandBeast02 with Elia
- traded SomethingThere11 and FollowtheLeader02 for Megara04 and Megara12 with Bree Nicole
8/1 - received ZerotoHero11, WhyShouldIWorry07, PerfectIsntEasy09, SomethingThere11, FeeltheLove03, HeighHo07, SoThisisLove09, Layouts08 and Meeko08 as update freebies
- played Through Your Eyes, received BeautyandBeast07 and IWontSayIminLove09
- played What's This?, received Megara08
- played Drizella's DVDs, received SoThisisLove07 and Wendy09
- played Wardrobe, received Belle12 and Megara01
- played Flounder's Flip, received SomethingThere06 and ZerotoHero06
- played Queen of Heart's Quotes, received HonortoUsAll08
- played Lady's Lyrics, received Layouts02
- traded FeeltheLove03 for IWontSayIminLove10 with Heather
= LEVEL UP! received Belle02, Megara07, and Stitch02
7/28 - received Events04, Events05, OutofThinAir06, KisstheGirl07, IllMakeaMan11, FollowtheLeader02, BeinMyHeart09, and TwoWorlds09 as update freebies
- played I Stand Alone, received OutofThinAir09
- played Tinkerbell's Translation, received BeautyandBeast08 and ThatBelle07
- played Timon's Trivia, received IWontSayIminLove08 and HawaiianRollerCoasterRide13
- played I'm Late!, received UnfortunateSouls11
- played Mickey's Movie Titles, received Reflection01 and Oo-de-Lally15
- played You Can Fly!, received ThisisMyIdea08 and BeYourWings11
- traded Oo-de-Lally12 for IWontSayIminLove08 with Beth
7/20 - received Events03, Layouts04, Awakening14, TheRiverbend07, BeYourWings05, and Reflection09 as update freebies
- played Looking Through Your Eyes, received Belle15
- played Flounder's Flip, received ImWishing11
7/16 - traded ColorsoftheWind06 for IWontSayIminLove01 with Layna
7/15 - traded Megara01 for Belle13 with JJ
7/14 - played The Queen of Heart's Quotes, received BeautyandBeast14 and UponADecember11
- received Belle03, AladdinPoster09, Jane14, Stitch07, OoDeLally12, TwasBrillig06, and UndertheSea08 for update freebies
7/13 - played Spot the Differences, received Belle01
- informed about activity, received Colors of the Wind06
7/11 = JOINED! received prejoin starter pack (Belle05, Belle08, Megara01, BeautyandBeast01, IWontSayImInLove06, UndertheSea04)
- played I Stand Alone, received Cinderella13
- played I'm Late!, received PerfectWorld09
- played Mickey's Movie Titles, received Belle07
- played You Can Fly!, received HonortoUsAll04 and TheCircleofLife08