SCMR Trade Log

Mar 22, 2004 17:09

Trade Log

11/6 - played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CPinkMA018, CVioletHA012, CMidnightOA017, CRustDY008, and a Crimson Coupon
- played Kakyuu's Tarot Cards, received a Slate Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CCrimsonSA007, CRedRP016, CSlateZA009, and two Silver Crystals
- played War, received CGrayCM013 and a Silver Crystal
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CSilverPA008, CCeriseDS018, and three Silver Crystals
- played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CCrimsonPS001, COliveTA013, CGrayLP009, a Lavender Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Michiru's Mystic Melodies, received CCloverFA012, CMaroonAM002, CIndigoJA008, a Maroon Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- played Hotaru's Vocabulary Lesson, received CWhiteMJ003, CGrayLP018, and three Silver Crystals

10/29 - CTDS purchase; received CYellowVM007/008/010), CSpecialShock001, CSpecialVenus003/004/006/008, CSpecialDark002/004; CSpecialChain007/010, CSpecialVenus009, CSpecialShock006/008, CSpecialShower005/009, CSpecialMoon008/010; received 18 receipts

10/28 - played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CYellowVP012, CCloverFB002, CCeriseDU010, CCOBaltBY001, and a Silver Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received COliveTO003, CGreenMP010, CIndigoTA005, and two Silver Crystals
- played War, received CVioletSA014, CIndigoTB008, CSlateSP011, CYellowVP001, and four Silver Crystals

10/27 - traded CGrayLB003 and CGrayLA006 for CSpecialBeam010 with Miriamele
- traded Halloween006 for CSpecialChain004 and CCobaltLA005 with Liz
- traded CCloverMB018 for CCloverFB006 with Starr
- traded Halloween007 for CSpecialPrincess001 and CCloverHB014 with Shiro
- traded COliveBP018, COliveTOT017/020, and COliveTC008 for CBlueMP010, CCloverHB018, CCloverFB003, and CYellowMY009 with Cerri
- traded CCrimsonSB017, CCrimsonSA012, CCrimsonSY019, and CCrimsonOA007 for CCeriseDC009/014, CYellowMP011, and CYellowVP009 with Emma
- traded COliveBB009/010 for CSpecialBeam002 with Azora
- traded CBlueMB006 for CYellowMB014 with Fujiko
- traded CRustMB007 and CTealMIA018 for CYellowMA009 and CYellowMP015 with Lauchis
- traded CCobaltRE019 for CBlueMP003 with Kajouka
- traded CVioletHB019, CVioletHY006, CVioletSS004/012, CVioletGA009, and CCrimsonOB011 for CYellowMB015, CYellowVB013, CYellowVA009, CYellowMP009, CCloverFB001, and CCloverHB011 with Mia
- traded CBrownST016 and CBrownPO002 for CAzureHA007 and XAzurePB016 with Britti
- traded CMaroonAY010 and CCobaltBM009 for CSpecialChain009 with TMF
- traded CCloverKB010 and CMidnightTOZ015 for CSpecialBeam003 with Mousey
- traded CBlackMB019 and CBlackEB008 for CSpecialChain003 with Smam

10/26 - HALLOWEEN EVENT! found 13 sprites, received CYellowVM001/006, CVioletSA011, WhiteOU014, COliveTOT017, COliveTC008, CGreenMP013, CAzureKAB013, CPurpleUY005, COliveTOT020, CLavenderIM004, CCeriseDV006, CMaroonGB003, CCloverKA007, CTealMIM017, CYellowMY020, CVioletGA009, CWhiteIN004, CCrimsonSA012, CSilverNA020, CBrownST006, CBlackKB002, CSlateJA003, CAzureHA008, CVioletHM020, COliveBB006, CBrownCT018, CSpecialWiseman006, CSpecialPrincess007, CSpecialHalloween006/007, CSpecialDark005/008/010, CSpecialNew007, CSpecialMio003, CSpecialPS008, CSpecialBeam007, CSpecialShower006/007, CSpecialShock005/006, CSpecialMoon003, a Green Apple Lollipop, a Blue Raspberry Lollipop, 3 Berry Lollipops, 2 Chew Oranges, 3 Chew Cherrys, a Chew Chocolate, two Chew Mysterys, a Red Coupon, a Black Coupon, a Blue Coupon, an Olive Coupon, a Lavender Coupon, a Purple Coupon, an Azure Coupon, and 60 Silver Crystals
- played Makoto's Cooking Show, received CSilverNB018, CCloverMB018, CVioletSS012, a Red Coupon, a Navy Coupon, and four Silver Crystals
- traded XTealMIA007, CTealMIA014, CTealMIA009 for CSpecialShock010 and CYellowMA004 with Megumi
- traded CPinkUB013 for CYellowVM003 with Naoko
♥ MASTERED CSPECIALSHOWER! received CCloverMA011, CMyrtleAAN011, CSpecialMoon003, and CSpecialShock003

10/24 - traded CSpecialPen002 for CSpecialShock009 with Britti
- traded CMidnightTOZ015 for CYellowVB011 with Liz

10/23 - played Crossword, received CGreenJP011/013, CRedMM011, CCeriseDJ019, CCloverKB010, CMidnightOZ015, CSpecialShock002, CSpecialDD003, and a Sugar Coupon
- purchased 8 random Month cards; received CSpecialShower001/008, CSpecialVenus001/005, CSpecialChain005, CSpecialShock004, CSpecialBeam004, CSpecialMoon004; earned 6 receipts
- traded CIndigoDY010, CMidnighTOH020 and CMidnighTOX003 for CCobaltLA016, CWhiteMA008 and CWhiteIP009 with Lauchis
- received CYellowVA012, CYellowVB006, CYellowVP007, CYellowVS001, CSpecialVenus010, and a Yellow Coupon for Minako's birthday
- traded Green Coupon for CGreenJP015
♥ MASTERED GREEN SET 8 and LEVEL UP! received CYellowVM012/016/017/019, CMyrtleAS002, CCobaltSM002, CRustDM008, CSpecialShower005, a Brown Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- traded CSpecialChain005 for CSpecialChain008 with Kajouka

10/22 - received CSpecialPen002 for Newsletter freebie
- traded CCeriseDV017 for CYellowMP004 with TMF

10/21 - played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CCrimsonSB017, CBlueMS013, CLavenderIM013, COliveBP018, and an Azure Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CYellowVA015, CMaroonGB014, CSilverQB010, and two Silver Crystals
- played War, received CSilverPA012, CCobaltCA014, CPurpleUY006, COrangeHA016, and four Silver Crystals
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CRedRY011, CPinkUB013, and three Silver Crystals
- played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CSlateBP019, CGreenJP012, CMaroonAY005, a Teal Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Setsuna's Fashion Statements, recieved CIndigoDY010, CWhiteMA008, a Maroon Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- played Michiru's Mystic Melodies, received CMaroonAA019, CRustMA019, CCrimsonOB011, an Orange Coupon, five Silver Crystals
- played Kakyuu's Tarot Cards, received CVioletSS004, CBrownPT006, and a Silver Crystal
- traded CPurpleUB005, CMidnightTOH020, CMidnightTOX003, and a Crimson Coupon for CSpecialShower002/008 with Mousey
- traded CBrownPT006 and CMaroonAA019 for CYellowVB002/003 with Shiro

10/20 - made a referral, received CCeriseDM018, CTealMM008, and CYellowMB003
- received CMidnightTOH020 and CMidnightTOX003 as update freebies
- played Quitter's Cards, received CNavySM010, CYellowMY013, CCloverHB003, CNavySM007, CYellowMY016, CNavyUA005, CYellowVP003, CCloverFB012, and CYellowMA012
- traded Blue Coupons (3) for CBlueMP014/015/016
- traded CBlueMP014/015/016 for CYellowMB008, CYellowVB016, and CYellowMA013 with Megumi
- traded CGrayHP011 and CCeriseDV017 for CSpecialVenus009
- traded CBrownPT015 and CLavenderIM004 for CSpecialVenus007 with Shiro
- traded CBlueMM003 and CBlueMS019 for CSpecialBeam008 with Starr
- traded CGreenMM018 for CYellowMB004 with Britti

10/12 - played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CCobaltSM002, CTealNA017, CVioletHB004, COliveTOT016, and a Crimson Coupon
- played War, received CMaroonAY010, CTealMIA018, CNavyUS020, CBlueMM003, and four Silver Crystals

10/7 - played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received COliveBM019, CBrownPT015, CPurpleUB005, CPurpleOA009, and a Cobalt Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CVioletHB019, CSlateEA006, CWhiteIN011, and two Silver Crystals
- played War, received CSilverPA013, CYellowVA013, CLavenderIBM015, CPurpleCB012, and four Silver Crystals
- played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CCobaltDA009, CNavyUB020, CCobaltCA007, a Clover Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Setsuna's Fashion Statements, received CCrimonsOA007, CWhiteVI003, a Slate Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- played Michiru's Mystic Melodies, received CBrownRO001, CYellowVA018, CGrayHP011, a Blue Coupon, and five Silver Crystals

10/5 - Honorable Mention for September Caption Contest; received CGreenJP018, CCeriseDV017, CGreenMM018, and CSpecialShower009
- played Quitter's Card, received CGreenJP014, CSpecialAwake002, CYellowVM011/013, CWhiteIP017, CYellowVP018, and CGreenJP016
- traded CSpecialMoon003 for CSpecialShower004 with Shiro
- traded CBlackKP020 for CCloverHB009 with Jenbunny

10/2 - traded CPinkMB005, CPinkMS002, CGrayLA011 for CSpecialYell007 and CCloverFB011 with Miriamele
- traded CCeriseDV013, CMaroonGB004 and CSpecialAutumn006 for CSpecialChibimoon004, CAzureHA019, CYellowMB020, CYellowVB017 with TMF
- traded Crimson Coupon for CCrimsonPA003
- traded CCrimsonPA003 for CYellowVM009 with Mousey
- traded Teal Coupons and Cerise Coupon for CTealNA003/013 and CCeriseDS001
- traded CCeriseDE012, CTealNA003/013 and CCeriseDS001 for CSpecialShock002/008 with Megumi
- played Makoto's Cooking Show, received CRedMS016, CMyrtleAG008, CNavyHB014, a Silver Coupon, a Brown Coupon, and four Silver Crystals
- purchased CYellowMM009/015/016/017/018/019 from CTDS; received 4 receipts
♥ MASTERED YELLOW SET 1! received CPinkMP019/020, CGrayLA006, COrangeTA002, CMyrtleAF007, CSpecialShower003, a Sugar Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- traded Pink Coupon for CPinkMP016
♥ MASTERED PINK SET 8! received CGreenJP003/004, CVioletHY006, CPurpleUM009, CYellowVA019, CSpecialMoon003, a Clover Coupon, and five Silver Crystals

10/1 - placed Third in September Fanart Contest, received CPinkMP004/005, CAzureKAB008, CNavyHy002, CRustMB004, and CSpecialChain006
- received CPinkMP017 and CGreenJP019 from Quitter's Cards
- traded CVioletSB012 and CVioletHA005 for CYellowMM006 and CYellowVP014 with Mia
- donated graphics, received CPinkMP006/007/008/009/010/018, CIndigoQB016, CLavenderIM004, CMaroonGB004, COrangeTB011, CYellowMB018, CCeriseDE012, CRustDY005, CCeriseDV013, CGrayLB003, CBlueMS019, CNavyUS003, COrangeFRA004, CSpecialShock007, CSpecialShower010, CSpecialChain005, and CSpecialBeam009
- traded CIndigoZB012 and CIndigoQB016 for CSpecialVenus002 with Lauchis

9/29 - traded CCeriseDE004 and CCeriseDA011 for CSpecialGolden010 with Hikaru
- traded CSlateJA010, CSlateZA004/020, CSlateSP008, CMyrtleAM002, CMyrtleSK018, CRustMA008, CRustKA009, CRustMB012, CIndigoNA015, CIndigoTB016 for your CCloverHB006, CNavyHM019, CNavyHB018, CWhiteMJ007, CWhiteOU020, CAzureHA004, CSpecialAsteroid001, CPinkMP001/002, CCeriseDC003 with Ceri
- traded CBlueAM002, CBlueMB006, CBlueMA008/012 for CCloverFB008, CCloverHB017, CNavyHM005, CNavyUM016 with Fujiko
- traded CSpecialAutumn006 for CGreenJP002/007/009

9/28 - received CNavyHA004 from Sparky's Giveaway
- traded CSpecialSpray004 for CYellowMP014 and CYellowVA008 with Berry
- received CSpecialAutumn006 as update freebie
- traded CSpecialRhapsody002 for CYellowVP020 and CYellowMM014 with Starr
- received CYellowMM007/008, CSpecialMirage009, CBrownTO003, CIndigoZB012, CLavenderPM006, CVioletSB012, and a Green Coupon for playing September Crossword
- traded CRedMB011, CRedRA010, and CRedRP007 for my CYellowVA006/017 and CYellowMA007 with Nyla
- played Michiru's Mystic Melodies, reeived CBlackKP020, CPinkMS002, CYellowVS014, a Clover Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CGreenJS008, CRedRY006, COliveBA004, CBlackMA002, and a White Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CPinkMB005, CNavyHB009, CGrayLA011, and two Silver Crystals
- played War, received CSilverPA013, CCrimsonSY019, CSilverNB013, CVioletHM018, and four Silver Crystals
- traded CBrownRT008, CBrownST007, CBrownTO003 for CYellowVM006/015 and CYellowMP008 with Shiro

9/21 - traded CBlueMM010 and CGreenMM003 for CSpecialAwake003 with Britti
- played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CBlueAM002, CVioletHA005, CCloverFB019, CAzureKA011, and a White Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received COrangeTB012, CCeriseDE004, CBrownST007, and two Silver Crystals
- played War, received CBlueMB006 and a Silver Crystal
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CTealMB014, CCrimsonSA018, and three Silver Crystals
- played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CTealMB015, CSlateZA020, CBrownRT008, a Yellow Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- traded CCrimsonSA018, CMaroonAY011, CPurpleUM009, CPurpleUA003, CPurpleCM008 for CYellowMP002, CCloverFB005, CWhiteMA005, CWhiteIN003/020 with Mousey

9/19 - received CPinkMP014/015 from Quitter's Cards

9/16 - traded CPinkUP009, CBlackKA020, CBlackMY017, and CBlueAY008 for CYellowMM010, CYellowVM018, CYellowMB010/018 with SuperDoe
- traded CBlueMM010 and CSpecialSpray003 for CNavyUB016 and CSpecialDark009 with Starr
- traded Black Coupon for CBlackMY013
- traded CBlackMY013 for CYellowMB005 with Lunix
- traded CYellowVM018, CCloverFA013, CCloverKM005, CCloverKIM010 for CSpecialPrincess003, CNavyUA017, CNavyUS012 with Vena
- played War, received CCobaltRE019, CSilverQA017, CGreenMM003, CCeriseDA011, and four Silver Crystals

9/14 - traded CGreenJM011 and CGreenMY016 for CSpecialHeart009 with Minalover
- purchased CRedMP001/002/004/005/007/009/011/012/015 from CTDS
♥ MASTERED RED SET 8, CSpecialHEART, AND LEVEL UP! received CYellowMM002/003/004/005, CSpecialChibimoon010, CIndigoTB016, CLavenderIB015, CMyrtleAM002, COrangeTA003, CVioletSA017, CSpecialSpray003/004, a Black Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CMyrtleSK018, CPurpleUA016, CRedMB011, and two Silver Crystals
- played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CGreenMY016, CSlateSP008, CMaroonAY011, CYellowMP006, and a White Coupon

9/12 - received CBlueMP018, CBlueMS001, CBlueMA012, CBlueAB006, CSpecialRhapsody009, and a Blue Coupon for Ami's Birthday
- bought CGrayLB012/18 from CTDS
- traded CGrayLB012/18 for CSpecialUranus008 with Lady Chani

9/11 - traded CGrayHP018, CGrayLB006, and CPinkUB001 for CYellowMM020 and CGreenJP017/020 with Miriamele
- traded CCeriseDE006 for CYellowMM012 with Smam
- traded CLavenderIMM020, CPinkUM005, CPinkUA015 for CYellowMY006/015 and CYellowVS017 with Kearin
- traded CMaroonAM012 and CMaroonGB014 for CWhiteNA017 and CPurpleCA005 with Ceri
- received CSpecialBlaster009, CSpecialShaking009, and CSpecialChibimoon008 from Quitter's Cards
- traded CVioletGM04 and CCeriseDA014 for CYellowVP011 and CRedMP016 with Hikaru
- traded Member Cards with Lady Chani
- traded Teal Coupon for CTealMB008
- traded CTealMB008 for CYellowVM018 with Azora

9/10 - traded CSugarCCB010 for CYellowMY011 with Lola
- traded Cerise Coupon and Orange Coupons (x2) for CCeriseDJ004, COrange004/005
- traded CCeriseDJ004, COrange004/005, CSpecialMercury004, CSpecialSpray007 for CYellowMM001, CGreenJP006, CGreenJP008, CSpecialPrincess005/006 with Jesheckah
- traded Blue, White, Crimson, and Silver for CBlueAY004, CWhiteIN002, CCrimsonPB001, CSilverPP001
- traded CBlueAY004, CWhiteIN002, CCrimsonPB001, CSilverPP001 for CYellowMM011/013, CYellowVM014, and CSpecialDark007 with Emma

9/9 - traded CTealMIM020, CTealNB005, CVioletSS020, and CSpecialMirage008 for CSpecialYell002, CPinkMP012, and CSpecialDark006 with Megumi
- traded CMaroonAY016, CBrownCO007, CBrownST015, CBrownTO001, CBrownTT020 for CSpecialKamekichi01, CSpecialDark001, and CCobaltLA009 with Shiro
- played Three Lights' Fan Gifts (Seiya), received (1 choice), a Teal Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- traded CCloverKM009 and CMyrtleAS003 for CBlueMP011 and CRedMP13 with Danika
- traded Black Coupons (x2) for CBlackKB016/017
- traded CBlackKB016/017 for CSpecialSword007 with Lunix
- traded Rust Coupon for CRustDB007
- traded CRustDB007 for CYellowVM020 with Shiro
- played Michiru's Mystic Melodies, received CPinkUB001, CSilverNA008, CBlueMM010, a White Coupon, and 10 Silver Crystals
- traded Sugar Coupons (x3) for CSugarCCA001/002/004
♥♥♥ MASTERED SUGAR DECK!!! ♥♥♥ (Sugar Set 9) received CRedMP017/018/019/020, CGrayLB006, CBlueMA008, CLavenderIB006, CSpecialRhapsody002, an Orange Coupon, and 5 Silver Crystals

9/8 - played Haruka's Puzzle Race, recieved CWhiteOU006, CRedMP014, CYellowMY019, CMaroonAY016, and a Lavender Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CSilverNB017, CPurpleCM008, CNavySM009, and two Silver Crystals
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CRustKA009, COrangeOB002, and three Silver Crystals
- played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CYellowMY018, CSilverCB006, CRustMB012, an Olive Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Setsuna's Fashion Statements, received CYellowVP016, CVioletSS020, a Cerise Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- played Hotaru's Vocabulary Lesson, received COrangeTP001, CBlueAY008, and three Silver Crystals
- played Kakyuu's Tarot Cards, received CAzureKHA011, CPurpleUA003, and a Silver Crystal
- traded Clover Coupon for CCloverHB002
- traded CCloverHB002 for CGreenJP010 with Britti

9/7 - Completed Normal Transformation!! received CSilverQB020, CCeriseDE006, CAzureHB008, and 3 Silver Crystals
- traded CIndigoPA005 for CCloverFB007 with Lauchis

9/6 - played Makoto's Cooking Show, received CBrownTO001, CMaroonGB014, CMyrtleAS003, a Pink Coupon and an Blue Coupon

9/5 - donated graphics; recieved CSugarCCA011/012/014/018/019/020, CPurpleUM009, CBlackMY017, CCloverHB002, CNavySA005, CYellowVM002, CLavenderOIB012, CGrayHP018, CTealNB005, CLavenderIMM020, CSlateJA010, COrangeTA005, CYellowMP016, CSpecialRhapsody007, CSpecialMirage008, CSpecialSpray001, CSpecialMirage007
- traded CSpecialRhapsody007, CSpecialMirage007, CSpecialSpray001 for CNavyHA014, CNavyHM009, CWhiteIN013, CWhiteIP002, CWhiteMA020, CWhiteOP018 with Starr
- traded CGrayHP003 for CSugarCCA010 with Miriamele

9/3 - purchased CSugarCCB015/016/017/018 from CTDS; earned three receipts
- traded CBlackMA001 for CSugarCCA017 with Nash
♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 6! received CSugarCCA006, CPinkMP003, CSugarCCA005, CGrayHP003, CMaroonAM012, CSpecialSpray007, a White Coupon, and 5 Silver Crystals

9/1 ~ won July/August fanart contest!! received CSugarCCB003/004, CSpecialHeart005, CSugarMA002, CSugarCCM012, CAzureFA013, CCeriseDA014, CMyrtleAF019, CRustMA008, CRedRP007, CSpecialMercury003/009
- traded CSpecialSpray007 for CSugarCCM003 and CSugarCCB010 with Megumi
- traded CPurpleOA016 for CSugarCCM009 with Mousey
- traded CCloverFA007 and CCloverHA016 for CSugarCCM018/019 with Starr
- traded CSilverNB008 for CSugarCCA013 with Mia
- traded CBlackMB009 for CNavySA020 and Member Cards with Arianne
♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 3 and 8! recieved CSugarCCB006/007/013/019, CBlackKA020, CLavenderIM004, CSilverQA002, CWhiteMA004, CYellowMA003, CNavyUM015, CSpecialRhapsody001, CSpecialMercury004, and 10 Silver Crystals
- traded CCeriseDA014 for CSugarCCB009 with Mousey

8/31 - traded CBrownCO019 and CBrownCT017 for CBlueMP004 and CPinkMP011 with Jeshekah
- traded Blue Coupon for CBlueAA005 with CTDS
- traded CBlueAA005 for CSugarMS007 with Starr
♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 10! received CSugarCCM008/010, CCloverHA016, CIndigoPA005, CTealMIM020, CSpecialSpray007, a Sugar Coupon, and three Silver Crystals

8/30 - traded CPinkUB008, CGrayLB001, and CGrayLP010 for CSugarMA016 and CSpecialGolden001 with Miriamele
- purchased CSugarMS004/006/009/011/012/013/015/019 from CTDS; received 6 receipts
- traded CVioletSB005 for CSugarCCM006 with Mia
- traded CIndigoDY003 and CSpecialSensitive002 for CSugarCCA015, CSugarMA013/014 with Lauchis
- traded CCobaltDA001 and CCobaltBY010 for CSilverNA007 and CWhiteIN002 with Kajouka
- played Quitter's Cards, received CNavyH7008/010

8/29 - traded CCeriseDS010 for CCobaltLB010 with Hikaru
- traded CVioletGM004 for CSugarMA015 with Mia
- traded CLavenderIM019 for CSugarCCM012 with Megumi
- traded CSugarCM020 and CSugarMB002 for CSpecialDark003 and Member Cards with Lola
- traded Azure and Silver(2) Coupons at CTDS; received CAzurePA020, CAzurePB001, CSilverMM020, CSilverPA010, CSilverPB014, and CSilverNB008

8/28 ♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 7 AND LEVEL UP! received CSugarCCM001/002/005/007, CGreenJP001, CVioletSB005, CIndigoDY003, CSpecialSensitive002, an Orange Coupon, and 5 Silver Crystals
- traded CMaroonGM019, CMyrtleAAN001, CMyrtleAA011, and CSlateZA009 for CRedMP008, CSilverPB009, CYellowVM005, and CNavyHM013 with Ceri
- traded CTealMY006, CTealNS004, CTealNS019, and CGrayAA013 for CSpecialGolden006, CSugarCCM014, and CPurpleCM009 with Azora
- traded CGrayHP014, CBlackMP020, CCeriseDE010, CMaroonIA004,and CGreenJA012 for CCobaltLM004, CSpecialBlaster005, CSilverMM013, and CYellowVA003 with Akiko
- donated mastery badges, received CSugarMA004,010, CPinkUB008, CWhiteIP012, CCrimsonPM007, and CSpecialCrisis001
- traded CTealMIA012 for CSugarMA010 with Megumi
- played Makoto's Cooking Show, received CSugarCCB008, CCloverFA013, CAzureKA003, a Silver Coupon, a Blue Coupon, and four Silver Crystals
- traded CSpecialCrisis004 for CSugarMA009 and CRedMP006 with Kearin
- traded CSpecialHealer006 and CCloverKM006 for CRedMP003, CYellowVB014, and CYellowMY004 with Danika
- traded CSpecialCrisis001 and CGrayDB006 for CCloverFB014, CGreenJP005, and WHhiteNA003 with Rikka
- participated in Olympic Event 2, received CSugarMA011/012, CGrayLP010, CIndigoNA015, CLavenderIM019, CSpecialCrisis005, and three Silver Crystals
- traded CCrimsonPM007 for CSugarMS016 with Mousey
- exchanged Sugar Coupon for CSugarMS020 at CTDS

8/27 - traded CSpecialHIntro010 for CWhiteMA015 and CCobaltLA019 with Britti
- traded Member Cards with Hikaru
- traded Navy Coupons for CNavyUM002 and CNavy007 at CTDS
- traded CNavyUM002 and CNavy007 for CSugarMB020 and CSugarMA003 with Smam
♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 5! received CSugarCA003, CSugarCA010, CSugarMB002, CCeriseDS010, CSlateZA004, CSpecialCrisis004, an Azure Coupon, and five Silver Crystals

8/26 - traded CCrimsonPS011 and CCrimsonSA004 for CSugarCA001 and CSugarCCM013 with Emma
- played Three Lights' Fan Gifts, received CSugarCA015, CSpecialHIntro010, and three Silver Crystals

8/25 - traded CSpecialHIntro009 for CSpecialGolden002
- traded CSpecialCrisis009/010 for CSpecialYell001, CSugarCCM016, and CSugarCA008 with Lunix
- traded COrangeTP004 for CSugarCA012 with Akiko
- received CNavyHB001 and CNavyHB007 from Quitter's Cards
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CCrimsonPS011, CCrimsonSA004, and three Silver Crystals

8/24 - played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CGrayHP014, CWhiteMA011, CGrayLB001, a Silver Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Setsuna's Fashion Statement, received CCeriseDE010, CYellowMP005, a Clover Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CTealNS019, CGrayDB006, CGrayAA013, and a Navy Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CSilverPB019, CGreenMY008, CSilverQB010, and two Silver Crystals

8/23 - traded CBlueMB019 for CWhiteNA011 with Cerri
- traded CPurpleCB007 for CSugarMB018 with Latara
- traded CSpecialHealer004 for CSpecialChibimoon01 with Danika
- traded CRedRY008 and CSlateDY018 for CWhiteNA020 and CWhiteIP019 with Cerri
~ received Sailor Sam, bought bodice (with sleeves), collar, and gloves

8/21 - made CTDR purchase, received Rewards Card, CSugarMM015, CSugarMM018, CSugarMM019, CSugarMM020, CSugarCB005, CSugarCB006, CSugarCB009, CSugarCB010, CSugarCB012, and CSugarCB018
♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 2! and LEVEL UP! received CSugarCB013, CSugarCB014, CTealNM012, CTeal015, CVioletGM004, CBrownST015, CCloverKM009, CSpecialHealer004, five Silver Crystals, and a Rust Coupon
- traded CTealNM012 and CTealNM015 for CSugarCB015 and CSugarCB016 with Azora
- traded CRedRY008 for CSugarMS001 with Nyla
♥ MASTERED SUGAR SET 4! and LEVEL UP! received CSugarCA016, CSugarCA017, CSugarCA018, CSugarCA019, CCobaltBY010, CSlateZA009, CTealNA016, CSpecialInferno002, a Navy Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
~ made monthly donations (1 set link buttons, 1 set Navy Master badges, 1 set Level badges, 1 set Deck Mastery badges), received CSugarMB002/003/005/006/007/008/009/010/013, CSpecialHeart002, CSpecialHeart003, CMyrtleAA011, CIndigoNB002, CRedRA010, CAzureFA003, CMaroonGM019, CPinkUA015, CTealMY006, CCloverKM006, CVioletGM004, CCobaltDA011, CLavenderIMM016, CAzurePB005, CTealNS004, CSilverNB008, CBrownCO019, COrangeTP004, CSpecialHeal2-006, CSpecialCrisis010, CSpecialHealer006, CSpecialCrisi009, CSpecialHIntro009, and 5 Silver Crystals

8/18 - played Quitter's Cards, received CNavyHM004, CNavyHM010, CSpecialSpace005, CWhiteVI006, and CAzureFA012
- played Sparky's Giveaway, received CNavyUS009

8/13 - received CNavy002 and CNavy003 from Quitter's Cards
- traded CBlueAA001 for CSugarCCB018 with starr
- traded Lavender Coupon for CLavenderIMO002 at CTDR
- traded CVioletGA014, CVioletHB007, and CLavenderIMO002 for CSugarCB002, CSugarMS018, and CNavyUM015 with Megumi
- traded Olive Coupon for COliveTI015 at CTDR
- traded CCrimsonSM013 and COliveTI015 for CSugarMB017 and CSugarCA002 with Mousey

8/12 - played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CGrayHP003, CBlackMA001, CVioletHB007, a Sugar Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Setsuna's Fashion Statements, received CBrownCT017, COliveBP001, a Black Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CGreenJM011, CGreenJA012, CMyrtleAAN001, CWhiteMJ009, and an Olive Coupon
- played Chibichibi's Match Game, received CVioletGA014, CCrimsonSM013, CBrownTT020, and two Silver Crystals
- received CCeriseDC012, CCeriseDC020, and CSpecialKamekichi003 as update freebies

8/6 - traded CGrayAP016 for CSugarCCA015 with TMF
- traded CSpecialHealer005 for CSugarMB014 and CSugarCA011 with Britti

8/5 - received CBlackKA014, CBlackKY001, CBlackMB009, CBlackMP020, a Black Coupon, CCloverFA007, CCloverFB004, CCloverKIM010, CCloverKM005, CSpecialSerious003, and CSpecialHIntro008 as freebies for Seiya's and Mamoru's birthdays
- received CAzureHB020, CNavyUB007, CSpecialAwake009, CSpecialHealer005, CWhiteIN006, CWhiteNA004, and CWhiteOU004 from Quitter's Cards

7/30 - traded CRedRA012 for CSugarCCB011 and Member Cards with Kristen

7/29 - traded CSpecialFighter003 for CSpecialGolden005 with Smam
- traded CMyrtleAF011 for CSugarCA007 with minty

7/27 - traded CPurpleCM001 and CPurpleCB017 for CSpecialGolden003 with Starr
- traded Myrtle Coupon for CMyrtleAF011
- participated in Olympics Event 8, received CSugarMM014, CSugarMM016, CSugarCM020, CYellowVS010, CGrayAP016, CSpecialSerious010, and 3 Silver Crystals

7/26 - traded CMaroonUB019 for CSugarCCB010 with Shiro
- traded CCrimsonPA008 and CCrimsonPS003 for CSugarMA007 and CSugarCB008 with Mousey

7/25 - received CSugarMA001, CNavyHM001, CNavyUM003 from Quitter's Cards
- traded CPinkUY017 for CSugarCB001 with Jenbunny
- traded Crimson Coupon and Purple Coupon for CCrimsonPS003, CCrimsonPA008, and CPurpleCM001
- traded CSpecialFIntro009 for CNavyHB015 and CNavyHY003 with Lauchis
- received CNavyUA002 from Quitter's Cards
- traded Member Cards with Liz
- traded Pink Coupon for CPinkMA001

7/24 - traded CCloverMA010 for CSugarCCM005 with Britti

7/23 - traded CTealMIM011 for CSugarCCA007 with Azora
- traded Teal Coupon for CTealMIM020
- traded CSlateSB002 for CSugarCCM015 with KCKAJI
- traded Member Cards with Beaus
- traded CPinkMA001 for CSugarCCM004 with Natsumi
- traded CCobaltBM007 and CCobaltDA016 for your cCSugarCB011 and CSugarMB001 with Kearin
- traded CBlueAY003 for CCobaltLA001 with Calico
- traded CIndigoTA020 for CSugarCCA009 with Lauchis

7/22 - traded CMyrtleAF019 for CSugarcCA016 with Minty
- Green Team First-Runner Up Olympic Event 6, received CSugarMM009, CSugar010, CSugar011, CTealMM011, CSugarCA005, CCobaltBM007, CBrownCO007, CSpecialFighter003, CSpecialFIntro008, an Orange Coupon, a Crimson Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CTealMIM011, CIndigoTA020, and three Silver Crystals
- played Minako's Words of Wisdom, received CNavyUB017, CRustMB011, CBlueMB019, an Indigo Coupon, and two Silver Crystals
- played Setsuna's Fashion Statements, received CSlateDY018, CSlateSB002, a Lavender Coupon, and three Silver Crystals
- played Michiru's Mystic Melodies, received CCobaltDA016, COliveBB018, CBlueAY003, a Teal Coupon, and five Silver Crystals
- played Haruka's Puzzle Race, received CPurpleOA016, CTealMIA012, CWhiteVI013, CMaroonUB019, and a Purple Coupon
- traded CSpecialFIntro004, CTealMM011, and CGrayCM010 for CSpecialChibimoon007 and CSpecialChibimoon009 with smam
- traded CSpecialAttack003 and CBlueMP003 for CSugarCB007 and CSpecialGolden003 with Natsumi
- traded CSpecialFIntro008 for CSugarCA004 and CSugarCCM011 with Minalover
- traded CRustMB011 for CSugarMS014 Lauchis
- received CSpecialAwake008 and CWhiteNA001 from Quitter's Cards (forgot that I got the Awake a few days ago :D; )
- CDTS; traded Rust Coupon for CRustTA009
- traded CRustTA009 for CSugarMB019 with Megumi

7/20 - traded CSpecialFight2-006, CSpecialFighter003, and CSpecialFighter006 for CSpecialAwake005, CSpecialChibimoon002, and CSpecialChibimoon006 with Mousey
- received CYellowMP012 for Quitter's Cards

7/19 - received CNavyHY007 from Quitter's Cards
- traded CPinkMB001 for CSugarCB020 with Jenbunny
- received CSugarMM007, CSugar008, CSugarMM013, CPinkUY917, CBlueMP003, CSpecialFight2-006, and three Silver Crystals for participation in Olympics Event 7
- traded Member Cards with KCKAJI
- traded CSpecialFIntro004 for CSugarCA009 and CSugarCA014 and Member Cards with Calico
- played Hotaru's Vocabulary Lesson, received CSugarCA013, CBlueAA001, and three Silver Crystals

7/18 - traded CCloverKM012 and CCloverKA006 for CSugarMA018 and CSugarMS005 with Akiko
- traded CSlateSP006 for CSugarMM017 with KCKAJI

7/17 - donated master badge sets; received CSugarCM017, CSugarCM018, CSugar019, CSugarMM001, CSpecialFighter006, CSpecialFighter003, CGrayCM010, CPinkMP013, CCloverKM012, CRedRY008, CNavyHA013, and CBlackMP006
- traded Member Cards with Mysty
= MASTERED SUGAR SET 1! received CSugarMM005, CSugarMM006, CSpecialFIntro009, CCrimsonPS014, CCloverKA006, CPinkMB001, a Rust Coupon, and 5 Silver Crystals
- traded CCrimsonPS014 for CSugarMB012 with ZeroOP
- traded CBlackMP006 for CSugarMS010 with Lunix
- traded Member Cards with Carly
- traded CYellowVM008 for CSugarCB017 with Minty

7/16 - traded CLavenderIB004 for CSugarCB004 with Lunix

7/15 - traded CIndigoTB006 for CSugarMS008 with Lauchis
- traded CLavenderIMM015 and CSilverNB020 for CSugarCM014 and CSugarCA006 with Kearin

7/14 - traded Member Cards with Shiro
- traded Member Cards with Starr
- traded Member Cards with Emma
- traded Member Cards with Rhian
- traded Member Cards with SuperDoe
- traded Member Cards with Hotaru
- traded Member Cards with Shar

7/12 - traded CYellowMM006 for CSugarCCB012 with Cerri

7/9 - Green Team was First Runner-Up for Event 5 in SCM Olympics; received CSugarCM008, CSugar009, CSugar012, CSpecialFight2-003, CSpecialFIntro007, CCrimsonSM008, CMyrtleAF019, COrangeFRA001, CSilverNB020, CTealMY014, a Myrtle Coupon, a Red Coupon, and five Crystals
- traded CSpecialFIntro007 and CSpecialFight2-003 for CSpecialAwake001 and CSpecialHeart010 with Mousey
- traded CCrimsonSM008 for CSugarMM004 with ZeroOP
- traded CTealMY014 for CSugarCM013 with Kajouka

7/7 - traded CPurpleUM004 for CSugarMB015 with PockyPants
- traded Member Cards with Lunix
- traded Member Cards with Cerri
= WON JUNE FANART CONTENT! received CSugarCM002, CSugar003, CSugar004, CSugar006, CSugarMA008, CCloverMA010, CRedRA012, CLavenderIB004, CIndigoTB006, CSpecialAttack003, and CSpecialFIntro004

7/5 - traded CMaroonUB012 for CSugarMM012 with Lunix

7/4 - traded CSpecialSummer006 for CSpecialYell009 and CSugarMS017 with Kajouka
- received CSugarCM015, CSugarCM011, CSpecialLaser008, CLavenderIMM015, CIndigoNA017, and CMaroonUB012 for donating Level Badges
- traded CIndigoNA017 for CSugarCA020 with Lauchis
- traded CGreenMY010 for CSugarCM016 with Cerri
- traded CSpecialLazer008 and COliveTO010 for CSpecialHeart008 and CSugarMA008 with Mousey

7/3 - traded Member Cards with ZeroOP
- received CSpecialAwake008 from Quitter's Cards
- traded CAzureKA017 for CSugarMM003 with Jesheckah
- received CSpecialSummer006 as an update freebie
= LEVEL UP! received CSugarCM007 and CSugarCM20

7/2 - traded Member Cards with Akiko
- traded CSilverPM005 and CCloverFA013 for CSugarCM001 and CSugarMB011 with Danika

7/1 - traded Member Cards with Nyla
- traded CMaroonGA009 and CPurpleCB019 for SpecialHeart006 and Member Cards with Lauchis
- traded Member Cards with Minalover
- traded Member Cards with Danika
- traded Member Cards with Rikka
- traded Member Cards with Smam
- traded Member Cards with Azora
- traded SpecialCosmic002 for SpecialHeart004 and Member Cards with Miriamele
- traded CPinkMM016 for CSugar006 and Member Cards with Fujiko
- traded CPurpleUA016 for CSugarCB019 and Member Cards with Jesheckah
- traded CPinkMA010 for CSugarMM002 and Member Cards with Jenbunny
- traded Member Cards with Britti
- traded Member Cards with K-chan
- traded Member Cards with Kearin
- traded Member Cards with Latara
- traded Member Cards with Sailor Nash
- traded Member Cards with Kajouka
- traded Member Cards with TMF
- traded Member Cards with Mousey

6/30 - received CSugarCM01, CSugarMB004, CSugarMA020, CSugarMS003, CSpecialHeart001, CPinkUM005, CPinkUB002, CPinkMA010, CPinkUP009, CSpecialCosmic002, Sugar Coupon and Pink Coupon for Usagi and Chibiusa's Birthday

6/29 - traded CVioletGA016 for CYellowVM008 and Member Cards with Shion

6/28 - received Member Card
- traded Member Cards with PockyPants

6/27 - received Starter Pack (CSugarCM005, CSugarCB003, CSugarMA017, CHeart007, CYell006, CYellowMM006, CNavyUM011, CWhiteIN008, CAzureKA017, CPurpleCB019, CPurpleUM004, CCloverFA013, CGreenMY010, CMaroonGA009, COliveTO010, CPinkMM016, CPinkUP005, CSilverPM005, CSlateSP006)
- played Ami's Pop Quiz, received CPurpleUA016, CVioletGA016, and three Silver Crystals

senshi card mania

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