So, you'd think since Peter's power is being an Emo Sponge, he'd've picked up Sylar's ability back when they first met. But no, the writers seem to have forgotten about that little factoid, and no wonder, with all the other shit they're trying to fit into the show.
They're actually calling Mr. Bennet HRG now? Wut. And how exactly is Claire's mom protecting the family? Wouldn't you think a girl who's never going to die and CAN NO LONGER FEEL PAIN is plenty capable of protecting herself and the people around her? I don't understand why everyone is trying to protect her. SHE DOESNT FUCKING NEED PROTECTING.
Also? Raise your hands if you think it's bullshit that Sylar's a Petrelli. Mama Petrelli is obviously using his crippling mommy issues to control him, and look! It's working! Ugh. I really want someone to just go back in time, and sterilize Ma and Pa Petrelli before they could breed. Nathan and Peter both are just stupid this season.
I'm very tempted to stop watching, but they fucking brought Adam back! He's pretty! And evil! And in love with Hiro! Ando is gonna turn all bitchy and jealous, and *gasp* TURN EVIL BECAUSE HE WAS SPURNED BY HIS LOVER OMG HIRO'S VISION MAKES PERFECT SENSE NOW and I'll just stop before I hurt myself.
And don't even get me started on Mohinder. Has he not even realized that Matt is missing? Where the hell is Molly staying? Matt's storyline is sort of awesome, but I wish his new ability was talking to animals, or at least just that one turtle. That would've been awesome. I'd totally keep watching if Matt's new best friend was a turtle that only he could hear.
God, I hate the Nikki/Jessica/New Blond Weirdo trifecta of crap. Go away, please. Keep Micah and his cousin around though. They're fun.