
Oct 02, 2006 18:45

Sorry. This community died. I've realized I just can't handle a community/icon journal on my own. Maybe sometime in the time to come I'll make a community with multiple people. For my graphics, head on over to cheered. Sorry! :( I'll delete theporcelain soon.

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Comments 3

radiofame October 30 2006, 20:09:42 UTC
I'd love it if you kept it open, just for resources sake.
That'd be cool.


rainbownights September 1 2007, 04:07:56 UTC
I second that. I just discovered this community and I love the tutorial that you have. :D


ex_spirits2 October 31 2006, 23:09:21 UTC
Hey hannah. Would you mind promote rendezvouss here? 'cause you're closing, give them the link to rendezvouss and tell them you'll be posting there!


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