.Your Information
Name/Nickname: Morgan
Age: 15
AIM: Art in Denial
Email: bubblepopxxxx@yahoo.com
Preferred Pairings: Of this character? ZetSaso, ItaSaso, DeiSaso.
Character Information
Name: Sasori
Age: 32
Portrayed By: Uruha
Gang: Akatsukigumi
Tattoo: 玉女 (Gyokunyo ; The Virgin)
Personality: Sasori’s personality is… complicated.
Quiet and ill-tempered, he possesses a rage unlike that most have ever seen, intense in all of his apathy, save for when he becomes angry. It is never to be said he doesn’t feel happiness or love - his mother, a beautiful and deceased woman - he loved her very much, and still becomes strained with emotion for her, regardless of her state of life. However, he has never felt such attachment for anyone else in his life. He usually speaks in a cruel monotone and feels very little for much of anything - but on more than one occasion has he been overcome with feeling, though not in any particularly good fashion, if not quite the contrary. He is a dangerous person to be around, even more so than his nearly equally psychopathic friend, Deidara, and his personality is hard to read, as an understatement.
History: Sasori was born out of pure luck.
The child, weighing in at one pound even after being born a month and a half early, was pronounced to be in an almost perfectly healthy condition. After several hours of tests and steady attachment to IV and fluid nutrition, they found that the only real problem is that all of his cells weren’t oxidizing at a normal rate. It was very slow. Amrit, his father, was told that his son would survive, but, in only theory, he would age at a very delayed rate. Hair and nails would grow slowly once cut, and while it couldn’t be determined how slow this would be, no amount of medication they had could speed up the process, but that they would get in contact with doctors from more financially supported institutions to get them the right medications.
Once medicated correctly, the boy physically grew as the doctors predicted - delayed by a long shot - but his mental state was that of someone far more sophisticated. He spoke in fluent sentences upon beginning to speak, and his vocabulary grew very rapidly over time. He showed a natural talent for art and a rather unique and slightly offsetting obsession with dolls early on, stealing them from the girls at school and taking them home into his playroom on the top floor. Things were going alright for Sasori until he turned six, when he went into shock and fell into a three month long coma. This delayed his growth rate even more, making him look much physically younger than he actually was.
Upon awakening from the coma, however, he seemed to have been even more mentally ahead than before he fell to sleep, almost as if his brain had been learning new things consistently in his subconscious state. The ordeal was mystifying to his family, and because of it did his Grandmother insist on sending him away to a boarding school for the gifted. His mother wouldn’t have it, but his father agreed, so for years did he spend his summers at home and his school time at one of Egypt’s more expensive and pretentious private schools. If it hadn’t been for Chiyo’s job in the Political field, this would have been impossible, considering his constant medical care was a very expensive affair.
Sasori displayed the traits of a perfectly normal prodigy of a child up until he turned eighteen.
(All those years in school. All those years being around people he can’t stand - could never stand. All of those years in a complete and irredeemable silence. Sasori was a quiet person, always a quiet person, and he mastered his languages, his arts, and his obsessions with a perfect ease. All those years in school - of observation. Of sketching the people around him, snapping and studying photos, being as he is in the absolute worst kind of way. Years of being the artist he was born as. The genius he was born as. And the most epic of all voyeurs.)
He comes home the summer after graduation with his plan in tact.
(And it works.
He comes home, slaughters everyone in the house, leaves the bodies to rot and flees Egypt on the first flight out of Cairo. The ordeal took less than sixty minutes. It had been four years of perfect planning. Plotting out every possible scenario, every single one, every instance in which something could of gone wrong in which Sasori created something to make sure it went right. Sasori is eighteen when he ruthlessly kills his family, nineteen when he hollows out the insides of a stranger and lines them roughly with woods, metals, plastics, and preservatives, and creates his first puppet, and twenty when he makes his second.)
For years he travels, designing and photographing people enough to make a name for himself. By the time Sasori hits 30 his body had finally matured to one of someone who could pass as 16 or 17 - his growth rate still incredibly slow, having slowed further being deprived of his medications. It was, still, abrupt that he entered the field of design, while he had been a photographer for a while, but his abilities to draw and create things to accompany, modify, and accentuate the human body were uncanny. (Because he knows the human body well.) And he moves to Japan at that age, looking into the uninteresting world of Japanese underground as a possibility for finding decently attractive people.
(People need to be beautiful.
Everyone can be art with a little tweaking by his own hands.
Sasori is a psychopath in every meaning of the word.)
At 32, he has been with the Akatsuki for two years, and is by far one of the smarter and more mature members. (He operates on a basis of psychosis, and always has. Sasori is Sasori.
Character Roleplay Information
Writing Sample:
Sasori has never once used a gun.
(Has equally never wanted or needed to.
There are more interesting ways of killing others.)
Yet it rests in his palm, a 9mm caliber, and he tests it from hand to hand, ambidextrous and easily able to pull a trigger from either of his index fingers, but it is not particularly what he wants to do, because Sasori has always fought cleanly with blades and poisons and raw, brute strength. (Sasori is not and will never be above biological brutality. He will never be above using a knife in a fist fight or attacking at random, because life does not work on a fair game basis. It never has.) And so he moves, quietly, quickly, shifting the gun into his right hand and narrowing his eyes to see ahead of him.
(Guns were always Deidara's game.
But the man Pein wanted him to kill and it took him a goddamn week to find him is about six feet away, back facing him, at a telephone booth.
Knifing him or punching him would cause a riot.
Poisoning would be next to impossible.
(Sasori is not at all unlike a calculator.)
And so it rings out.
(Loud as-)
(And Sasori leaves. Everything is done as cleanly as it should have been completed, and just as easily has-) Sasori won. (Sasori has never lost. Not ever.)
Journal Sample: And my truculent heart is sure to fail-
(Not ever.)