The core rulebook says gnomes are like tiny punk rock pixies with pink or green hair. No. Just, no. This is what Ninpen Bittmotten looks like, a solid little gnome with a Scandinavian sort of aesthetic. She's not very old, as gnomes go, but she has white hair, because I like white hair.
I decided for some reason that gnomes like pleats, and Ninpen Bittmotten was going to waste money at every inn to have her pleats starched. Because she has class anxieties. She was born to a poor family, but she wants to seem like a prosperous gnome, and prosperous gnomes have pleats. This is her studded leather armor and 'elite thievery tailcoat.'
Not my favorites. This is an everyday sort of gnome outfit useful for looking unsuspecting, bumping into people in the marketplace and picking their pockets. The other one is a fancy dress. It seems to be of gnomish manufacture, but I still hesitate to say it's The Bittmotten's taste. I suspect Zae picked it out.
Battle dress and a patched smock from pre-thievery days.
This is my favorite pair. A winter outfit featuring a hat cozy- so you don't have to take your gnome hat off, you can just make it warmer - and a woodland tunic. I like these. And I'm totally pitching a gnome Americal Girl doll...
Drawing not yet finished! This is Ninpen's greatest dream in life, so the drawing must be perfect. And before I can finish this drawing of Ninpen on her stalwart Riding Dog, I must complete my design for a Magnificent Riding Outfit!
This is getting close! I am totally into the jodhpurs and the combination boot/spats, but something must be done about the stupid hat and the dagged top...
This was my first drawing of Alimordae. I was going for hobbity crossed with wiggedy-wack. I had this idea that her clothes would be sort of improvised-looking, bound together by odd strips of fabric, because she would have outgrown clothes so easily as a child, she might have gotten used to cobbling things together in her own way. I was also (for better or for worse) using an oval motif, with the designs from the Lord of the Rings movies in mind. Many of the female hobbits in the movie wore bodices with a circle motif - mirroring the round doors and windows of hobbit architecture, most likely. I thought of Alimordae's clothes being decorated with squashed circles, whether because she sewed her own things and did it somewhat badly, or just because she's odd.
This still has a country girl aesthetic, but got away from my initial ideas of what hobbity hybrid clothes would look like. I was kind of embarrassed after coloring it in to realize how similar it looked to the blue patchwork dress I drew for The Bittmotten just a couple of weeks before.
One of these is a little too Brigadoon (that just happens to drawings of mine every so often...) and the other probably a little too vintage. I figure country halflings can knit and crochet, so I definitely wanted some crazy crocheted pieces mixed in. I'm not sure it works in the pictures, though. I do like the idea that Alimordae was wearing the cute but highly impractical dress on the right when she just left the farm and took off walking down the road one day. It's become somewhat dissheveled since that day.
I drew this one when the GM first mentioned we'd be doing an urban campaign. I thought this looked a little better suited for city adventures.
I don't like the extra swishy things at the top of this one, but otherwise I think it's fun. Totally overdone, cover of a cheap fantasy novel sorceress garb crossed with quirky, rural sorts of textures and details. This is where an evolving sense of your potential to use drama to your advantage will get you, if you work at it!
Another over-the-top option. Half-orcs aren't as badly off in Westcrown as they are in other regions, apparently, so she might not need the hood, but I added it to this outfit so that she could keep her parentage discreet, if she so chose.
I decided not to finish these, because I didn't like how they were coming out. But I'm putting them up anyway, because, hey, I scanned them. And with every scanner in the whole library that affords a modicum of privacy either broken or in use, I mean that I had to scan it on this giant, high-tech scanner that PROJECTS YOUR PICTURES ON A GIANT SCREEN ABOVE THE TABLE WHERE ALL THE UNDERGRADS WALKING BY CAN STARE AT THEM. And you.
Incidentally, you can see better in these incomplete drawings that Alimordae is supposed to a girl of significant girth. I'm not sure why - probably has something to do with my inability to draw in three convincing dimensions - but I'll draw a fat body as a model, sometimes using myself as the prototype, other times imagining a different set of proportions (Alimordae is more pear-shaped than I am; Ninpen is *supposed* to be blocky and compact, with a thick waist), and as soon as I put clothes on that body it looks thin. I don't make it any smaller in the drawing process, so I don't fully understand.